Brazilian Newbie

Hello Everyone! Looking forward to getting some conversation and advice from this community. I will be starting to plan my first Cycle soon.
Currently trying to lose some weight, lost 11lbs so far and I love lifting for honestly the pure joy of getting a good pump, building to new PRs and getting stronger.
I am 29 years old, 6'4 tall (1.98 meters) , and 259 lbs (117.48 kg).
Any advice for someone doing their research and planning their first cycle is welcome. My goal is to be able to go down to 245lbs and maintain around 240 to 245 for life basically and work on muscle increase and toning from there.
So basically my current goals right now are
Lose down to 240 to 245ish mostly in fat weight and work on my muscle mass.
Well honestly if those numbers are true you are in front if 90% of meso. When you get there tell us how to do it.
You need to be giving us advice.
Well honestly if those numbers are true you are in front if 90% of meso. When you get there tell us how to do it.
You need to be giving us advice.
I am now at 253.8 lbs (115.12kg) .
my dieting usually consists of High Protein Low Carb.
I do a little bit of a more extreme version of fasting but honestly its been doing amazing. I do 24 hours fasted then 1 meal and then once a week i do 36 hours fasted. This is example of a meal. steak, Salmon, brown rice, black beans and spinach in this pic.
Try adding good fat (saturated) as all the cell wall are made up of fat even muscle cells. So more good fat…more cell wall and more muscle. High fat, moderate protein and less carbs is my go.