Brew from oils


New Member
I apologize for my ignorance on the subject of brewing. Could someone please point me to the thread where the subject is covered in depth?
I have10ml of 200mg/ml primo and 10ml 600mg/ml EQ trials here. If I wish to dilute concentration down further, what's best way to accomplish that? What to look out for?
Any input appreciated.
Short uneducated: not worth it
Long educated: at the very minimum you would need to have a: separate sterile vial, carrier oil and syringe filter. On top of that you would also ideally add bb & ba solvents, if you would want to preserve original ratios.
Short uneducated: not worth it
Long educated: at the very minimum you would need to have a: separate sterile vial, carrier oil and syringe filter. On top of that you would also ideally add bb & ba solvents, if you would want to preserve original ratios.
The trial product ordered was powder, what came in is EQ 10ml 200/1 (or claimed so) too small of a quantity to justify sending out to Jano for test.
To thin it down so it flows through 27ga pin,
In your experience, how much does it matter to match carrier oil used (if any) by UGL? (Unknown)
BA%BB%EO%/other stabilizers present is also unknown.
Product was said to be "raw" in liquid form. (Flows very thick). Sold by "AAS raw" reseller advertised here on site.
I have a feeling this project needs to be labeled as lesson learned as I wouldn't deal with them anymore regardless of outcome.