Bulking cycle help!


New Member
Hi experience PED users!

I finished my first ever cycle -
350 mg Test Cyp / 2 times a week.
40mg Anavar ED
0.5 mg Arimidex E3.5D.

Ive lost quite bit body fat with proper work out and gained noticeable muscle.

Now I started my PCT with HCG 750mcg M-W-F for 2 weeks and then I will be on Nolva for the last 2 weeks.

I am planning my next cycle for bulking - However I somehow would like to stay lean - not too much water retention.

I am leaning towards Test 400mg - 200mg Deca + 200mg Mast for 12 weeks and first 2 weeks - 30mg dbol.

I will also be on HGH throughout the whole cycle. ( Can I mix HGH with IM shot or has to be SubQ by itself?)

What do you think about this stack?

What are the essential supplements I should be on to avoid sides? Like p5p, tudca etc.

How many mg Arimidex should I take and what is the frequency?

How can I make sure to not experience sexual dysfunction? and stay water retention free?

Any advice from experience people would be much appreciated!
I haven't done pct in a minute but from what I remember hcg is suppressive and will delay recovery, and nolva should be ran longer.

Other than that I would just be patient with the injectables and same the oral to peak at the end.
so you just did your first cycle... and now youre looking to introduce 2 new compounds in your second cycle? one that fucks with prolactin, and another that can make u go bald. find out how you respond to each compound individually before adding another one

your arimidex dosage and frequency should be 0 until you have bloodwork showing high e2 or have high e2 sides, then dose as necessary, not blindly taking .5mg every 3.5 days

when it comes to bulking, food should be your first resort, not more drugs. make as much gains as you can with as little as possible, then add more compounds or increase doses to break through plateaus
probabaly just pick mast or deca. i woulnt throw 3 drugs in there. If your goals are to cut use mast. bulk use deca.
Run test again but maybe just increase it. Or same dose as I doubt you have got all u could with your first cycle from test. Deca can fuck u over so I wouldn’t. From someone who has and won’t again!
Mental sides around weeks 11 and lost my knob! NPP I’m good Deca I’m not good! Crying in my kitchen like a lost it! Not for me. 350 a week so nothing mad high either.
High eostrogen and prolactin through roof. Can’t be arsed to try to control e2 and prolactin when there’s good non aromatising gear to use.
yeah man if you plan on pct off gear at some point.( which is possible just takes some time and pct drugs) id stick with test, primo, anavar, eq. no 19 nors. and especially not ment
On it now mate. Running 350 test 350 DHB and 50mg anadrol daily. Nice lean bulk over Xmas with few sides…..fingers crossed.
But anadrol is extremly toxic, does it worth it? Why not taking somthing milder like Anavar/Primobolan/NPP?
Mast will not help you for volume, it is better to mix deca with a testosterone such as Sustanon and a little winstrol at the end (the last 4 weeks).