Support with pinning

Not everyone needs 4 grams of gear

Nobody needs gear, certainly not the number of grams that I’m on presently. Even still, those doses don’t represent a “cycle”. 12 weeks is just long enough to shut down natural production and PCT after is likely going to reverse any of the minuscule gains that were made.

If someone must run PCT, might as well go for 20 weeks or more. Instead of PCT, probably best to run HCG and sustain natural production if possible and simply ramp down the doses at the end of the “blast”.

In any case baby cycles are some stupid reddit trend for kids coming off of SARMs and orals and like OP are afraid of needles.
Nobody needs gear, certainly not the number of grams that I’m on presently. Even still, those doses don’t represent a “cycle”. 12 weeks is just long enough to shut down natural production and PCT after is likely going to reverse any of the minuscule gains that were made.

If someone must run PCT, might as well go for 20 weeks or more. Instead of PCT, probably best to run HCG and sustain natural production if possible and simply ramp down the doses at the end of the “blast”.

In any case baby cycles are some stupid reddit trend for kids coming off of SARMs and orals and like OP are afraid of needles.
400 mgs is certainly fine for a cycle at 12weeks.

Again you’re on 4 grams of gear, and are the size of a high school senior and look 70 yrs old, with a sack of skin hanging to your cock cause you were fat and lazy at 300lbs.

You shouldn’t give any advice. You people crack me up.
Again you’re on 4 grams of gear, and are the size of a high school senior and look 70 yrs old, with a sack of skin hanging to your cock cause you were fat and lazy at 300lbs.

2.5 grams. I’m among the best looking 52yo you know and as for the fat and lazy part, you got half of that correct. I was fat, 340lbs fat, specifically. If you think that means I’m lazy then you’re utterly confused. I will out-work you and everyone you have ever known, which is how I ended up in that state. Rather than being preoccupied with my physique to the exclusion of everything else, I was busy working, which led to the success that I have today.

400 mgs is certainly fine for a cycle at 12weeks

Now, with all the ad hominem out of the way, you’re a fucking idiot (see what I did there) if you think a 400mg 12-week cycle with PCT will do anything for anyone.

As I stated to OP and I’ll repeat to you. Get a dexa scan before and after, I wager, Iunno a thousand bucks there’s no significant lean muscle tissue accrual beyond the dexa margin of error.
Good evening all,

I haven't done cycle in many years after a lengthy lay off due to an injury.

I am going to be doing a basic testosterone enanthate cycle

Dose - 300mg to start (up to 400mg depending progress)

Duration - 12 weeks

Estrogen control - Arimidex

I will be pinning twice a week rotating between glutes & shoulders

PCT - HCG while Estee clears then nolva + clomid 4 weeks tampering down

My question I could use support with is pin size I used to pin with 25g 1 inch in glutes & shoulders but over 5 cycles found it more painful with scar tissue build up. I have been told by a few people (lean 8-12% body fat estimated) that a insulin pin 29g 0.5 inch or 5/8 inch would be just fine into those sites further helped if warm oil up to pass through with warm water?.

I am around 12% currently would this be to shallow I am looking for advice from people with experience using shorter pins ideally. Not concerned about longer time pushing oil but would be more comfortable with idea of shorter pins if I'm not going to have problems with oil lumps.

Thank you for any advice.
Why only test? If you're aiming for lean mass and have a goal, might as well add some other compounds in there primo,mast,eq... depending on goal.
That's not necessarily true lol beginners can run light compounds first cycle and see way more benefits and growth
Except beginners aren't experienced with mitigating sides for themselves. Or what compounds do what to their bodies. Why, would you suggest more than 1 compound for a person who has zero experience in enhancing their hormones?
400mg test only is a fine beginner's cycle. Doing it for 12 weeks and PCT after is what I have a problem with. That's hardly enough time to give AR density to catch up to the AAS being used, much less enjoy the benefits of having that AR density.

If I were giving advice to a beginner, I'd recommend picking a target dose, probably somewhere north of 400, maybe 600 simply because of the Bhasin study. Titrate up in increments every 3-4 weeks, maybe 200, 400, 600 or so. Back off when sides appear. Get bloodwork, checking e2 especially. Run for 20-24 weeks.
400mg test only is a fine beginner's cycle. Doing it for 12 weeks and PCT after is what I have a problem with. That's hardly enough time to give AR density to catch up to the AAS being used, much less enjoy the benefits of having that AR density.

If I were giving advice to a beginner, I'd recommend picking a target dose, probably somewhere north of 400, maybe 600 simply because of the Bhasin study. Titrate up in increments every 3-4 weeks, maybe 200, 400, 600 or so. Back off when sides appear. Run for 20-24 weeks.
Personally, would recommend starting at 250 then titrating slowly to 500. Idk, if going towards a gram for a first cycle is a good idea. Or even necessary, I doubt he has enough tissue to even need that much.
Personally, would recommend starting at 250 then titrating slowly to 500. Idk, if going towards a gram for a first cycle is a good idea. Or even necessary, I doubt he has enough tissue to even need that much.

500-600, something like that. Refer to the Bhasin study which were newbs.
500-600, something like that. Refer to the Bhasin study which were newbs.
My apologies, I misread that as start at 400-600 then titrate from there. My reading comprehension failed. 20 weeks is a good length though. Probably cruise on 250mg after that and maybe look into adding maybe mast for the next cycle from there. Fuck pct
20 weeks is a good length though. Probably cruise on 250mg after that and maybe look into adding maybe mast for the next cycle from there. Fuck pct

Fully agreed.

If one wants to eventually recover natural production, probably best to cruise and figure out a protocol with HCG to transition without crashing test and losing gains.
everyone on here saying 400-600mg test for a first time cycle like people can't get sides. You realize high dose test like that can cause sides gyno, hair issues,acne etc ...
You're better off running low dose test and low dose anavar or primo instead of high dose test the first time
everyone on here saying 400-600mg test for a first time cycle like people can't get sides. You realize high dose test like that can cause sides gyno, hair issues,acne etc ...
You're better off running low dose test and low dose anavar or primo instead of high dose test the first time
You run one compound because then you KNOW where the sides are coming from and how to deal with them, run multiple and your gonna have NO IDEA where its coming from.
It isnt to not get sides, its to LEARN what it does to you and how to deal with them.
everyone on here saying 400-600mg test for a first time cycle like people can't get sides. You realize high dose test like that can cause sides gyno, hair issues,acne etc ...
You're better off running low dose test and low dose anavar or primo instead of high dose test the first time

Did you miss:

Titrate up in increments every 3-4 weeks, maybe 200, 400, 600 or so. Back off when sides appear. Get bloodwork, checking e2 especially.

First cycle is about learning how the body responds, particularly how one aromatizes and how to deal with sides. Tossing primo into the mix is only going to complicate that process.
everyone on here saying 400-600mg test for a first time cycle like people can't get sides. You realize high dose test like that can cause sides gyno, hair issues,acne etc ...
You're better off running low dose test and low dose anavar or primo instead of high dose test the first time
I'm pretty sure everyone said to titrate to the dose. Which means start low, I suggested 250mg as a starting point. Which imo is well tolerated by most.