Bulking Cycle


New Member
So i am about to back on a cycle and this time i decided to do a bulking cycle. In the past i always stayed with just Test Cyp and though results were ok was never what i wanted fully. Being a Ecotomorph genetically its always been a struggle bulking no matter how much i ate (clean food). The Test alone did give me ability to gain some nice muscle tissue through out last year. With my own research and some guidance of the Meso community i decided to take the plunge and order a bulking cycle this time around. i ordered the following for this cycle.

1x Bottle Test Cyp 250
1x 100 tab pouch of 10mg Dbol
1x 20 tab pouch of 25mg Exemestane which will taken 12.5mg a day

Im probably going to add Deca but i want to see how my body reacts to the Dbol first and weigh the pros and cons before i do that. I continue to take Creatine Alkaline and vitamins B6, Zinc and Fish oil in the meantime.
Im good on Test...... Ive done very well on just 200mg of Test a week any higher and it makes my anxiety spike. My last blood results proved that even on a low dose is still very effective. Some guys can do 500mg plus of Test me i cant. im 31 5ft 11 175 pounds. My last blood test showed free test at 636.2 pg/ml and Total Test at 1600 ng/dL at only 200mg split up twice a week.
like notits said you need more test.

Im good on Test...... Ive done very well on just 200mg of Test a week any higher and it makes my anxiety spike. My last blood results proved that even on a low dose is still very effective. Some guys can do 500mg plus of Test me i cant. im 31 5ft 11 175 pounds. My last blood test showed free test at 636.2 pg/ml and Total Test at 1600 ng/dL at only 200mg split up twice a week.
I'm probably going to add Deca but i want to see how my body reacts to the Dbol first and weigh the pros and cons before i do that. I continue to take Creatine Alkaline and vitamins B6, Zinc and Fish oil in the meantime.[/QUOTE]

If you run deca then you will have to increase that test dose of 200mg/wk. Otherwise say bye to your pecker for awhile. If, for whatever reason, you won't use a higher dose of test then consider running EQ instead of deca. It should help you avoid some of those pecker issues I mentioned. But overall, I really question whether you should be using aas at all. Doesn't seem like your heart is really in it. I mean using 200mg/wk of test is really a pointless risk of ruining your own natural test production for very little gain.
200 mg will not give u the results u r looking for. Maybe that's why u never were impressed by your results in past cycles. Just my opinion.
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Im good on Test...... Ive done very well on just 200mg of Test a week any higher and it makes my anxiety spike. My last blood results proved that even on a low dose is still very effective. Some guys can do 500mg plus of Test me i cant. im 31 5ft 11 175 pounds. My last blood test showed free test at 636.2 pg/ml and Total Test at 1600 ng/dL at only 200mg split up twice a week.

1600ng/dl is not much higher than normal ranges. The risk of shutting down your HPTA for these levels is hardly worth it to me at least. I'd stick to training natty if given that option. If you can't run test any higher (have you checked blood work or looked into why you might suffer sides?) then I'd add in another compound and not just an oral for a few weeks. I mean you even acknowledge the problem when you state:

"In the past i always stayed with just Test Cyp and though results were ok was never what i wanted fully."

the reason the results have never been what you want fully is bc you've never ran a "true" cycle. You think you respond well to 200mg a week, and maybe in terms of sides you do, but in terms of actual progress you seem to not. Up the dosage or add in a another compound.
Also, if your going to 'add' deca down the road your going to want to go 12 weeks minimum. @Flounder is on the mark with the test comment. Im running 600mg deca right now and 250mg test and my dick is functioning but not by much. Enough so that I had to reach out to a good bro with some prop to correct the issue as the deca really starts to take over going into week 6.
If your really not tolerating the test, just plan out a solid deca/test cycle with huge amounts of food and sets to failure. If you must - crank the dbol 4 weeks to kick off. Eat until you are sweating. Use a pharma grade AI.
Isn't deca dick due to more of not running caber? Idk a whole lot about it because I don't plan on using it for awhile.
Isn't deca dick due to more of not running caber? Idk a whole lot about it because I don't plan on using it for awhile.

Caber will help with erections but by masking the symptoms. It's not the cause of deca dick, although I hate to use that term. E2 is the more likely culprit since little if any objective evidence has shown 19-nors affecting prolactin levels.
Isn't deca dick due to more of not running caber? Idk a whole lot about it because I don't plan on using it for awhile.
Excellent question.

I do know that Deca has been claimed to shut you down at minimal doses which means no testosterone. When i'm not circulating testosterone in my system there is zero action below the belt.
In terms of Testosterone ive done 400mg a week in the past i have Anxiety disorder, and diagnosed OCD so for what ever reason i dont know higher doses seemed to make my head spin. I can get Test locally all day long i still a bottle left i ordered Genzea brand in addition to what i already have. Ive heard good things about Geneza and wanted to give it a try this time around. I suspect and again this is just a guess but when i had my blood work done i had a full estro panel done my results were. Estrone 67 pg/ml Estradiol 61 pg/ml Estriol <0.10 I suspect my estro levels being out of wack may have something to do with how my body does on higher doses. My drs are of course against my use of gear so they refuse to give me guidance how to control certain side effects so i have to rely on my own research. Im still learning..... I appreciate the feedback from everyone.
You only have 10ml of test? If you want to get big then eat big, train big and juice big.

600 mg test ew
30-40 mg dbol ed
Deca 300-500mg ew

You also have to take into account how fucked up your gear is. How under dosed it?
61 is not that high for estriol. It's high but not serious. A low dose of ai would get that down where it's supposed to be. Mine was around 90 and I ran adex .25 and I can feel the differnce. Idk about 400 mg making your head spin. was there something else that may have caused that? Or maybe in your head? Honestly if u run 200 mg, if your gear is 100% your test will be around 2000, not that high. a 7x would be more realistic so that's 1400. Thats a 25 year old kid. I would just go natural, and get your diet up.

