Bulking cycle


New Member
Hey this is for someone smarter than me please weigh in on thoughts or concerns on this bulking cycle. 35/m been blasting-cruise for about 2 years currently 6’5 about 280 18%bf (estimate)

Cal intake 4500 daily 1.5 protien per lbs/.5 fat per lbs/rest filled in with carb mix of white rice and oats for fiber

12 week cycle
Week 1-6
500test/250 deca
Weeks 1-2
Tbol 40mg daily
Igf 1 lr3 80mcg daily
Aromasin 2x weekly

Weeks 2-4
Tbol 80mg daily
Igf1 lr3 160mcg daily
Then stop Tbol and igf1

Weeks 7-12
750 test/500 deca
Weeks 8-12 add proviron

(Thought process is to front load the cycle to boost strength and then end with the proviron to dry out a bit and lean muscle)

Attached is most recent picture of body comp


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