Who has done it? Experiences?
I know a lot of guys have trouble bulking with tren because of either appetite or they get discouraged not seeing the scale move like they want.
As long as you're eating the right surplus, is bulking on tren still good? I could see it yielding very lean mass and lots of strength if done right..
Any specific suggstions (ie raised surplus, adjust macros differently, etc)?
I am thinking about adding a lower dose, around 400mg to my bulking cycle which is currently 600mg test and 900mg EQ, just because I have tons of tren enth to use and have never tried it on a bulk before. Thoughts?
I know a lot of guys have trouble bulking with tren because of either appetite or they get discouraged not seeing the scale move like they want.
As long as you're eating the right surplus, is bulking on tren still good? I could see it yielding very lean mass and lots of strength if done right..
Any specific suggstions (ie raised surplus, adjust macros differently, etc)?
I am thinking about adding a lower dose, around 400mg to my bulking cycle which is currently 600mg test and 900mg EQ, just because I have tons of tren enth to use and have never tried it on a bulk before. Thoughts?