Bulking on tren?


Who has done it? Experiences?

I know a lot of guys have trouble bulking with tren because of either appetite or they get discouraged not seeing the scale move like they want.

As long as you're eating the right surplus, is bulking on tren still good? I could see it yielding very lean mass and lots of strength if done right..

Any specific suggstions (ie raised surplus, adjust macros differently, etc)?

I am thinking about adding a lower dose, around 400mg to my bulking cycle which is currently 600mg test and 900mg EQ, just because I have tons of tren enth to use and have never tried it on a bulk before. Thoughts?
Inexperienced the opposite. Voracious appetite from tren. I'd eat 3800-4000cals during the day then wake up at 2am and eat 2500cals of PB&J, cereal and ice cream.

It's fine to bulk with but you won't put on the same amount of fat as if you would have without and I think that's why more people don't think you should bulk on tren.
And in my opinion, 400 tren E ain't no joke.

I bulk(if you want to use that word) just fine on tren. And my ratios don't seem to be as important as usual. I look more at total calories and even then its a lean bulk.
Good replies thanks guys. And yea, it's no joke but let's just say I have ran it a lot higher when cutting/recomping , I just happen to handle the sides very well. This will be my first time running it lower than my test, I have always gone the low test high tren route. Ready to try something new though.
IMO, some steroids are 'harder' to bulk with, like var/winny because they are just too weak. However, trenbolone is like the kind of all trades bro. It's very versatile and you can bulk and cut with it, depending on how you run your diet. Try increase calories to weight x 18, with 50% protein/30% carbs/20% fat. Keep protein intake going the whole day and you can even come closer to wx20 in calories if you keep it clean. In the end, diet is going to be key.
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I like bulking on tren. My appetite isnt always as crazy as just test but its not an issue i barely notice.
Everyone is different. But your food intake determines your bulk or cutting phase.
I have been running Tren A at 100mg/ed along with Test P at 50mg/ed and I've packed on a ton of fat and water retention. Had to increase my AI to 1mg/ed to keep GYNO at bay. And knock down some water retention, but the fat just keeps on coming.
Why have I gained so much fat and water retention? Because my diet is shit. I eat 6500 calories a day consisting of 900g/carbs and 400g/protein. Bagels, oatmeal, milk, and Alfredo noodles are my carbs. Protein shakes, chicken, tuna, and steak is my main sources for protein. I get a lot of fat in there also. In between my meals I eat a snickers, Girl Scout cookies, chips, pop or whatever I want. I put on close to 24lbs on this cycle and a lot of it is fat. I also do zero cardio. I'm currently upto 220lb.
So if you wanted to gain fat that's easy. If you want a cleaner bulk that's easy too. It all depends on what you eat. My diet is about to change dramatically because the cycle is coming to an end and I will be toning up what I've gained. So to answer your question you can easily bulk on Tren. It all depends on your diet.
Just for the record I'm not saying to eat like I do. I was just using my diet as an example. Good luck brother.
Tren is one of those rare commodities that allows you to bulk, recomp or cut. Bulking should not be difficult with tren if your caloric intake is on point. You obviously want to be eating above maintenance anytime the term "bulking" is involved. Adding size with tren is a general occurrence but the possibilities it carries in terms of "how much" is quite high if you accommodate properly.
I bulked on Tren last winter, and it worked really well. I stayed remarkably lean, even though I was in a huge surplus. The scale didn't move like it would on high test and Deca, but the cycle was very lean and dry. The only downfall for me was I did have some issues with appetite starting about 5-6 weeks into the cycle (Ran Tren E 10 weeks)
I started my current cycle out with dbol and deca. I dropped them both at week 4-5 then added the tren. The tren took all that water weight I gained from the dbol and deca and hardened me the fuck up. My vines in my arms and shoulders look like a fucking road map. I am only putting on 2-3 lbs a wk but I am losing BF. I eat like a damn horse. If I don't eat every 2 hours I get jittery and feel like crap. Moral of the story is that if I would of stayed on the deca I would probably be 10-15 lbs heavier then I am now but it would be all crap water weight. On tren I have put on some serious size and I look like I am cutting. When actually I'm eatting between 5500-7000 calories a day. I will never run another cycle with out it.
Here's an additional question on this topic....

For many, decrease in appetite is an issue with tren. Do you think this "side effect" is amplified as you increase dosage more and more? Or is just kind of either you will experience it or you won't?

Thoughts or experiences anyone?
Here's an additional question on this topic....

For many, decrease in appetite is an issue with tren. Do you think this "side effect" is amplified as you increase dosage more and more? Or is just kind of either you will experience it or you won't?

Thoughts or experiences anyone?

Depends on the person but with hunger, it's not like you will get to a point where you wont eat anything. If you are using tren, you must be on a level where forced eating isn't a new thing. If it is........ you need to reconsider.
My appetite gets out of hand on tren. This past Saturday I ate $48 of Chinese and Japanese food to the dome and Sunday went to a churascaria and had 7 plates of food and could have fit more but the looks I was getting were not friendly. Add T3 to the mix and I wake up at 2:30am every night to eat 2000-3000cals on top of my normal daily intake.
I love the tren eq stack. I get some good size on it, but it is gradual as far as weight goes because I usually cut a lot of fat on it. It's by far my favorite cycle because I love the look. For me an how my body reacts, I would hardly call it a bulking cycle. However, I only do about 250 mgs a week on test (to keep the water weight off) and only do 500 mgs of eq and go for 20 weeks. Four weeks on four weeks off rotation with the tren.

Best bulking cycle I've ever done. Throw in a bit of GH if you an afford it, and you'll be strong as shit, lean and huge.

Ahh gh, one day.

Affording the gh isn't it so much the issue, but finding an actual good high quality source that is worth paying that much $. It's been a while since I tried but found it damn near impossible for the period of time that I was searching.
Ahh gh, one day.

Affording the gh isn't it so much the issue, but finding an actual good high quality source that is worth paying that much $. It's been a while since I tried but found it damn near impossible for the period of time that I was searching.

Same. I wouldn't mind spending the money on legit gh if I could somehow verify. I almost pulled the trigger on Astros Genos. I'm so glad I didnt.