Bulko Labs - US Domestic source

Bulko, have a timeline on test cyp? I'm making an order very soon, want to take advantage of the price on prop with the quantity available, but to me it makes no sense to order from 2 different places as my order will absolutely include cyp and either S drol or A50. So, a timeline would help, I'm going to try a newer source as I don't have a bias as some may, I see it like every star started somewhere, but no reason to potentially expose myself receiving 2 when I could receive 1 from a well stocked supplier. Additionally, very soon = count the days on one hand probably. No pressure, I won't make anyone rich.
It’s dying a slow death.
Yep, dead and gone. No reply to my question a few posts back settled it for me at least, their unfortunate name didn't help either really. Placed my order elsewhere when no reply after an hour. The competition never took more than minutes to reply no matter what time
Bulko, have a timeline on test cyp? I'm making an order very soon, want to take advantage of the price on prop with the quantity available, but to me it makes no sense to order from 2 different places as my order will absolutely include cyp and either S drol or A50. So, a timeline would help, I'm going to try a newer source as I don't have a bias as some may, I see it like every star started somewhere, but no reason to potentially expose myself receiving 2 when I could receive 1 from a well stocked supplier. Additionally, very soon = count the days on one hand probably. No pressure, I won't make anyone rich.

Sorry doing a lot on the back end, currently working on latest brew and going straight MCT with no EO. No time line we are still in the early stages. But hoping for March timeframe.

With this next batch we will have all the standard oil and tablets