Caber flu?


New Member
It happened very fast, literally overnight for me.
I think it is just too fast to be caused by test increase (test flu like) so I guess it is either the rapidly lowered prolactin or thyroid as I feel colder.
Well now by golly I "guess" you could confirm your suspicions and perform LAB TESTS, but that won't happen bc you prefer the conjecture and comfort bro science offers.
Well now by golly I "guess" you could confirm your suspicions and perform LAB TESTS, but that won't happen bc you prefer the conjecture and comfort bro science offers.
No bro science.
Studies show that caber might alter thyroid
Conclusion: Cabergoline probably decreases the release of TSH and T4 by stimulating the D2-dopaminergic receptor existing in thyrotrophic cells. According to the increase of T3 concentration with low dose of drug, cabergoline may have different physiological effects in different amounts, and alter the function of pituitary –thyroid axis.
The Effects of cabergoline on pituitary– thyroid hormones in adult male rats
The Effects of cabergoline on pituitary– thyroid hormones in adult male rats - Medical Science Journal of Islamic Azad Univesity - Tehran Medical Branch - فصلنامه علوم پزشکی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد پزشکی تهران
Although this was about a patient with prolactinoma.

It is known that dopaminergic neurotransmission is involved in the control of PRL, TSH and GH secretion.
Effect of subacute cabergoline treatment on prolactin, thyroid stimulating hormone and growth hormone response to simultaneous administration of th... - PubMed - NCBI

Prolactin influences the immune system which may well explain the flu-like symptoms.