You do understand WHAT GH is in the body... right???
Just about all other hormones are triggered by GH, it is one of the peak triggers in the bodies hormonal process... I don't think you quite understand just how powerful it actually is!
And then peptides.... You literally messing with specific triggers in that process! Again, that can be incredibly powerful in both positive and negative ways!
Why TF are people scared of Test and AAS.... Got well over 60yrs REAL WORLD high dose use and its very understood and hard to fuck up real bad on the stuff... But for some batshit crazy reason, there seems to be a younger generation who think avoiding AAS is good and instead, directly fuck with switches in the body (Peptide use) that has very little real world long term use and people don't really understand the long term costs (yet).
You understand the medical literature looks at the MEAN of data sets right.... There are outlier's in EVERYTHING! So for bone plate closure, there might be cases where it happens at 10yrs old..... Just like there might be cases where bone plates are still open at 25yrs old....
It shouldn't have happened.... yet it HAS!
Instead of taking responsibility for your actions, you're in here trying to blame the brand of HGH that you used as being "overdosed".... Yet everyone else who used that exact same batch of HGH hasn't reported ANY issues at all with it!
Even IF it was overdosed.... You think it would cause THIS in anyone else? Where are the cases??
I'm currently on 14iu/d.... I'm not getting sides like this. Been on 7 days a week since Nov 23.
My best mate just started, EXACT same batch of HGH as me, 4wks in, steps up to 4iu/d and gets crippling carpal tunnel!
The problem is YOU! There is something in YOU that reacts DIFFERENTLY to extra HGH!
From what I know, the only thing that fits is your bone plates were still in their growth stage. I'm not an expert though, you need to see a specialist!
Did research... Doses SHOULD NOT have caused this..... OK, expert.
I took doses from experienced people off this forum.... So you read what other people were doing and it worked for them and thought, Fuck it, just send it!.... What ever could go wrong!
Talked to people before I ran anything, all said everything you were doing was fine (because they were basing it on THEIR PERSONAL EXPERIANCE) and told you that it won't result in any side effects or extreme sides at all (because they were basing it on THEIR PERSONAL EXPERIANCE)... So, SEND IT!
So, after all that in depth process you carried out, here you are....
FFS, Acromegaly is THE most widely known risk of using HGH! You just thought it was a risk that wouldn't affect YOU!
I'm literally getting a retainer made to wear at night so as to limit teeth movement from the HGH.... I take it as a GIVEN that there will be sides from taking HGH, I expect my hands, feet, nose, ears, chin to grow!
Its GROWTH hormone FFS, says it right in its name! They didn't try to hide what it does!
and they accept the RISKS of doing so!
I juiced HARD during my 20's, smashed DNP, T3, OD'd once after licking my finger after a Clen brew and ended up in the backyard at 11pm throwing up blood and had a mild heart attack, took to much diuretic the night before a show and ended up in a hotel bathtub in ABSOLUTE AGONY as every single muscle and what felt like internal organ cramped for HOURS! Fuck me, I wanted to end my own life that night, just to stop the god damn PAIN! I still have cramping problems to this day whenever I sweat to much, deep agonizing cramps in a muscle will hit that will drop me to the ground and I can't move until I can get some magnesium powder into me... I carry it with me EVERYWHERE!... My whole 20's, I KNEW beyond doubt that I wasn't going to live passed 35yrs, I'd dreamt it so many times and I was 100% down with that in chasing after my dream!
I knew the risks of what I had signed up for and if that's what came due, I was willing to pay the price! I took what precautions I could, I researched a LOT, every single day I'd put in hours of research to understand how to minimize risks (We were in the era of Guinee pigging shit then self reporting in the forums, a LOT of trial and error, we didn't have the same access to science as there is today - which is fantastic to see happen!)
Look at that influencer that was ripped AF, died last year! Paid the fuckin PRICE!
Lots of others have paid the price over the years as well..... There is ALWAYS risk with this! ALWAYS! The best you can ever do is try to minimize and control those risks but they ALWAYS remain in the background!