Caber sides?


New Member
First time taking this stuff yesterday. I took .5mg. Cause I’m on 350mg tren ace for last 2 weeks and was just taking it as precaution. I’m wondering if why I’m feeling the way I am today is from the caber.

Last night started to get some severe chest pain wasn’t like acid reflux more a dull pain but today def seemed more like it. I threw up a bunch of acid in the morning and took some Pepcid seems to have subsided after that a bit.

The more severe side is extreme legarthy and a bad lower abdomen pain going down to the pelvis like I have gas build up and constipation. Keep burping but it’s the kind that comes from the chest if you know what I mean. Did take a dump but was hard to squeeze with the chest tightness and stomach pains. But man I just been sleeping all day. Also have nausea which I took a low dose of zofran for that has subsided but is slightly there with the chest pain. Not sure if it’s the caber I have read it can cause all these. But wasn’t expecting to get hit this hard. If it is the Caber I can’t touch this stuff anymore Jesus. Yesterday I was full of energy. No motivation today. Def not sick more like I took something that messed me up.
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Caber can kill your heart.

Serious warnings include:
  • Scarring of tissues in your organs, such as your heart, lungs, and kidneys. Symptoms can include:
    • trouble breathing
    • shortness of breath
    • a cough that doesn’t go away
    • chest pain that doesn’t go away
    • stomach pain
    • swelling in your legs, ankles, or feet
  • Heart valve problems. Symptoms can include:
    • swelling in your arms, legs, hands, or feet
    • trouble breathing
    • changes in your heart rhythm
    • chest pain
    • cough
Do not take this preemptively without bloodwork. I made this mistake in the past. "Oh, I'm on tren. Better take some caber." It fucking devastated me.

You should know that cabergoline may cause dizziness, lightheadedness, and fainting when you get up too quickly from a lying position. It can also make you pass out while laying down as it can alter the rhythm of your heart.
Caber can kill your heart.

Serious warnings include:
  • Scarring of tissues in your organs, such as your heart, lungs, and kidneys. Symptoms can include:
    • trouble breathing
    • shortness of breath
    • a cough that doesn’t go away
    • chest pain that doesn’t go away
    • stomach pain
    • swelling in your legs, ankles, or feet
  • Heart valve problems. Symptoms can include:
    • swelling in your arms, legs, hands, or feet
    • trouble breathing
    • changes in your heart rhythm
    • chest pain
    • cough
Do not take this preemptively without bloodwork. I made this mistake in the past. "Oh, I'm on tren. Better take some caber." It fucking devastated me.

You should know that cabergoline may cause dizziness, lightheadedness, and fainting when you get up too quickly from a lying position. It can also make you pass out while laying down as it can alter the rhythm of your heart.

That last sentence is brutal. I had a drug give me severe orthostatic hypotension and it scared the hell out of me at first. I can't imagine getting that so I go to lie back down, but then I feel myself passing out anyway. What a nightmare
Caber can kill your heart.

Serious warnings include:
  • Scarring of tissues in your organs, such as your heart, lungs, and kidneys. Symptoms can include:
    • trouble breathing
    • shortness of breath
    • a cough that doesn’t go away
    • chest pain that doesn’t go away
    • stomach pain
    • swelling in your legs, ankles, or feet
  • Heart valve problems. Symptoms can include:
    • swelling in your arms, legs, hands, or feet
    • trouble breathing
    • changes in your heart rhythm
    • chest pain
    • cough
Do not take this preemptively without bloodwork. I made this mistake in the past. "Oh, I'm on tren. Better take some caber." It fucking devastated me.

You should know that cabergoline may cause dizziness, lightheadedness, and fainting when you get up too quickly from a lying position. It can also make you pass out while laying down as it can alter the rhythm of your heart.
Yea was stupid af for metoo take. Symptoms are subsiding a bit not as fatigued, nauseous, and abdominal pain subsiding but def constipated. Doesn’t help taking Pepcid and zofran just makes you more constipated. Did throw up again and now after peeing i have a lingering stinging pain (not a side I believe related to it) could be the zofran which is a known sign or maybe it’s a uti that caused all this symptoms seem similar? I really didn’t think it was all that bad with everyone throwing it around to take. Lots of misinformation spread here. Anyway I’ll be getting bloods again next week just got them done a little over a month ago before taking tren.

I have run tren but never needed caber before but was trying to be more cautious. F this stuff
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I crashed my prolactin by taking Caber “proactively.” Based on the small amount I was taking, that tiny pill definitely packs a serious wallop. I was waking up from nausea in the middle of the night. Which is awesome when you’re already sweating through your sheets on Tren.
I crashed my prolactin by taking Caber “proactively.” Based on the small amount I was taking, that tiny pill definitely packs a serious wallop. I was waking up from nausea in the middle of the night. Which is awesome when you’re already sweating through your sheets on Tren.
Yea never again. Really ppl need to stop on here spreading misinformation on taking it. Only reason I did it cause I read numerous ppl say to take it proactively. Didn’t think one little dose would crush me.
I took Tren and thought I was going to die. Turns out it was caber.

The only reason I found out it wasn’t Tren is because I accidentally took tren again and I was fine… but that time I didn’t add caber. I fucking hate caber.