cabergoline and wellbutrin


debating on whether or not to worry about taking caber during tren cycle while I'm on wellbutrin. As far as medical data goes, these two would counteract each other.I have not found any anecdotal experiences regarding this combination. Could really use feedback, or I'm going to go ahead and continue forward and begin cycle, just having the caber on-hand rather than using it throughout cycle. Don't think I even needed it last time I used tren anyways.
How much of each compound and what length of time will you be running them? Are you currently on Wellbutrin? Dose? Reason? Depression / anxiety / smoking cessation?
Wellbutrin for depression 300mg/d

debating on running caber 1mg/w for tren/test cycle for 10 weeks of tren and 2 weeks of prop. Last two weeks test @ 50mg/d

tren ace - 50mg/d
Test prop - 25mg/d
Anadrol for first three weeks