Calorie restriction VS Protein restriction IGF1


New Member
Interesting study comparing Calorie restriction with Protein restriction and effects on IGF 1 levels.

Seems that protein restriction has much more effect on lowering IGF than calorie restriction.

Im always searching reasons and answers for my low response to exogenous HGH to IGF1 conversion.

Any experience changing dietary protein amounts and its effects on IGF levels?

Me personally always have been moderate to low protein guy. Mostly always below 1g/lbs protein. Maybe thats the reason for my shitty IGF levels on different HGH brands.


These data provide evidence that, in contrast to the decrease in IGF-1 in rodents, a reduction of IGF-1 expression is not a component of the adaptive response to long-term CR in humans. On the other hand, fasting for 10 days markedly reduces serum IGF-1 concentration into the range observed for growth hormone-deficient patients (Thissen et al., 1994). Moreover, the changes of serum IGF-1 during fasting and refeeding are closely correlated with the rate of excretion of urinary urea, a marker of nitrogen balance and protein intake (Clemmons et al., 1981
It also seemed possible that the CR groups’ rather high protein intake (~24% of the calories from protein; 1.73 g kg−1 per day of protein) may have prevented a reduction in IGF-1 level. As a first step in evaluating this possibility we were able to arrange for six of the CR volunteers to reduce their protein intake from 1.67 ± 0.1 g kg−1 of body weight per day to a protein intake of 0.95 ± 0.1 g kg−1 of body weight per day for 3 weeks. This short-term isocaloric reduction of protein intake resulted in a 25% reduction in serum IGF-1 concentration (from 194 ± 34 ng mL−1 to 152 ± 41 ng mL−1; p = 0.01) in the six CR individuals, suggesting that the high protein intake was preventing a reduction in IGF-1 levels



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Excessive protein has become a thing due to carb starved diets and bridging the caloric gap between “below maintenance cals” to way too far below maintenance cals. I do not buy the hype that strictly overdosing on protein will hold onto every ounce of muscle while dieting. Protein is not #1 for growth, carbohydrates are. Ppl neglect to understand the role of carbohydrates in fluid and nutrient transport as well as the most anabolic hormone in our bodies which is insulin
Well, igf-1 is a peptide so its made up of amino acids which come from protein. So logically if your starved of protein there is less amino acids available for assimilating IGF-1 peptides. The body also likely prioritizes where/how it uses amino acids when facing limited available supplies. So i can see logic behind lower protein intake yielding lower IGF-1, how significant that logic transfers over i dont know. How many grams of amino acids does the average bodies daily IGF-1 production require? Its probably pretty insignificant amount verse even minimal dietary consumption levels.
Excessive protein has become a thing due to carb starved diets and bridging the caloric gap between “below maintenance cals” to way too far below maintenance cals. I do not buy the hype that strictly overdosing on protein will hold onto every ounce of muscle while dieting. Protein is not #1 for growth, carbohydrates are. Ppl neglect to understand the role of carbohydrates in fluid and nutrient transport as well as the most anabolic hormone in our bodies which is insulin
But who is trying to “grow” while cutting?
That’s sound logic perhaps while growing.
Yet that does not address the topic.
Cutting or growing I would suggest to anyone whom asked to at least have their protein 1g per lb of bw.
Then decide your main fuel source from there.
(Fats or Carbs)
Which is a completely independent thing to boot.
Body type and current bf % will also play a role right?
I think people come at all of this wanting multiple things at once.
I want to be huuuuge and I want to be leeeean and I want both right now!
But who is trying to “grow” while cutting?
That’s sound logic perhaps while growing.
Yet that does not address the topic.
Cutting or growing I would suggest to anyone whom asked to at least have their protein 1g per lb of bw.
Then decide your main fuel source from there.
(Fats or Carbs)
Which is a completely independent thing to boot.
Body type and current bf % will also play a role right?
I think people come at all of this wanting multiple things at once.
I want to be huuuuge and I want to be leeeean and I want both right now!
Someone new or someone who has been on a TRT cruise and then jumps on a real cycle. It’s possible to some degree. Even cutting, take 2 guys and load a guy up on protien and deplete his carbs and then give the other 1 gram per lb of body mass a day and then a moderate carb intake, I’ll tell you which one is gonna look better and which one will look flat and shitty (and yes, even on boatloads of protein)
But then we get into the value of micronutrients such as sodium and electrolytes while reducing carbohydrate intake, also essential to avoid going flat