can steroids stunt your brain development ?


New Member
hello everyone this is my first post ,
you may find it difficult to understand my english because it is not my primary language , sorry for that
first of all i don't tell anyone to take aas at any age , this is a completely personal choice and it is all up to you but i found its very necessary to discuss this topic
I have heard this claim more than once especially on reddit , and of course the redditors are the main reason for the spread of this claim
claim is simply " if you took steroids under age 25 you gonna stunt your brain development"
science of course has never made simple and dangerous claims like that
especially for the most complex organ in the human body
and of course we can simply refute this claim based on simple scientific evidence

( all sources at the end of the topic )

1-based on the latest scientific evidence, the brain reaches full maturity at 30 not 25 , so if the claim is correct everyone who took steroids under age 30 has stunted his brain growth and of course this is complete nonsense .

2- there is no scientific evidence that steroids can stunt your brain at any age , and this impact was never observed in any steroid user , and never been claimed by any scientific community .

3-the prefrontal cortex, does not reach "full maturity" at any particular age (e.g. 18, 21, or 25 years of age) ( for more check the sources )

4-some steroids may have a impact on mental health indirectly with long term use in high doses , and this can happen at any age not at a particular age .

but we have got here some questions that we need to be answered by those who making this claim

1- what about all the pro athletes,actors,bodybuilders who took steriods under age 30 or even under age 25 like arnold , cutler , the rock , john cena ,silvester, dolph lundgren are their brains now are underdeveloped ?

2- what is the symptoms of "stunted brain" ? i mean how do we know that someone has stunted his brain development due to aas usage ?

3- can you provide to us one case for a ass user that has stunted their brain due to use of steroids ?

4- bodybuilders are the most users of aas even in a very young age with high dosage and for very long time why the "stunted effect" was never observed in their brains ?

5- what are the specific parts in the brain that are prone to stunt due to aas usage ? and after how many cycles ? and what doses ?

remember guys, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence​

the only thing for sure that can stunt your brain completely is the steroid subreddit

I hope you guys find my topic useful
thx everyone

sources :

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it forsure will affect your normal brain development as hormones are drivers of development.. "meat head" comes from heavy steroid users at young age so ya its observed. you mention stars who took steroids young, ever hear rocky talk? govenator super quick witted? its a spectrum forsure, depends on person and how much and when and what.. but if you think taking steroids at 19 isn't affecting your brain, your a fool as of course its not just messing with physical development, brains are FAR more fragile than bodies. impulse control and critical thinking seems to be what I personally observe from folks who took gear young, but also perhaps part of it is why they started in the first place.

brain is plastic and can overcome ALOT, but to scoff and think messing with things that function to mature your brain and body are going to have 0 effect long term on development of brain and body is a very silly idea.. how much may be debatable. but "muscle heads" and "meat head' "bro sciences" are not a stereo type for no good reason. yup plenty of smart guys who use gear although of course majority of the smartest do not as more thinkers than superficial, but I bet you'll find out they started later than 20yo.

I think your making alot of claims without critical thinking, ie why are there no records of people on gear young being less smart...may be surprised if take an IQ test of juice monsters vs any other group at who scores higher or which group works in science vs labor. smarts aside as those who are juicy would of course skew results, which group same age to age would have higher emotional maturity? juice bros or any other group? I think we mostly can agree more ball smacking and epic fights with there friends family or ladies in the juice group..

anyway, point is if you think u can mess with hormones during development and have 0 consequences your a fool. The only discussion is "how bad". like weed CAN have slight effects on hormones and of course is considered dangerous for kids under 25 for a reason because of brain development and is one of the only real dangers with cannabis. now think what full on hormones would do, if a plants SLIGHT hormone disruption has been shown to cause issues.. never mind shutting down ur testies while still developing.

no one ever says " I wish I started blasting sooner", they do say " I wish I would of waited" however...

also if want to make a case, you shouldn't cite articles from mens health. find the actual literature in a paper. I think you may be surprised there is a TONNE of science on this, if have a small working knowledge of biology, one can logically figure out messing with the things that mature your brain are going to have long term side effects. interestingly enough even those who go through puberty sooner ie have more hormones, usually die sooner aswell...

do some reading to help understand how everything works.

and here for some easier reading, can also read citations they give for more clarity. your never going to see a double bind study of long term steroid users in teens vs plecebo.

anyway, read all the papers here. use google scholar, and I bet you will find alot more science than u even realized was out there. mens health doesn't highlight every study, and just because you haven't heard something(or ignore it as the case may be), does not make it unlikely or untrue... its pretty natural in an often echo chamber like reddit PED or steroid forums that benefits are highlighted and risks often diminished and talked about less. but you can even search around here, folks talk about depression they got from steroid use, and its not talked about much but there is a reason why PCT vendors carry antidepressants and nootropics.
Just think what these ADHD meds are doing to kids 7 and 8 years old, and they take them for 10-20 years. No wonder the snowflake generation is so fucked up.