Can you combine an ARB with and ACE?


New Member
It’s seams as there is conflicting info if you google it.

I’m on 40mg Telmisartan and 2.5 Nebivolol.

It keeps me at 130-140/70-80 and a 50-60 HR.

When I’m blasting I go 10-15up. 40-80mg Telmisartan don’t change it.

Maybe add 5mg Cialis and 5mg lisnosipril?
Cialis probably won’t do anything that the other drugs already aren’t.

This is one of the few times I’d call a pharmacy line or just go talk to them at CVS. They don’t need to know your life story and all that. But pharmacists know all the drug interactions and combinations.

Doctors give out the drugs. Pharmacists make sure people don’t die from them (in theory)
No, I wouldn't combine an ARB and an ACE inhibitor. Next step would be to get a combo drug such as Telmisartan/HCTZ, cialis would be fine to add as well.
Another user replied saying not to mix the two after I commented about taking both an ACE-I and ARB. I googled more and sure enough.

UpToDate seems pretty good w/o being too hard of a read. Covers individual drugs + combinations.
Op be aware some people dont respond to telmisartan. I didnt. Switched to valsartan and finally had a significant BP drop.

Next up is a cpap machine to treat sleep apnea, this corrects high BP for a lot of bigger guys and my sleep apnea is getting out of hand the bigger I get.
go see a doctor stop guessing and throwing the kitchen sink at it. if you seriously have high BP and require medicine to lower your BP & RTR go get help.

was the nevibiol needed or youtube made me do it?
It’s seams as there is conflicting info if you google it.

I’m on 40mg Telmisartan and 2.5 Nebivolol.

It keeps me at 130-140/70-80 and a 50-60 HR.

When I’m blasting I go 10-15up. 40-80mg Telmisartan don’t change it.

Maybe add 5mg Cialis and 5mg lisnosipril?
a few things to consider too, are you taking the measurement right?

sit down, back supported, arms supported at 90 degrees, air hose in center of arm, cuff at heart level, neck supports, feet flat on the ground, wait 5 mins or so, empty bladder, make sure the cuff fits your arm(arrow in the blue band of cuff) taken on an empty stomach with no/little sodium

sodium is a big player in raising blood pressure. i dropped it out of my diet and dropped probably 7 points on each

last, DONT COUNT on this, but automatic machines arent that accurate compared to manual measurement. I monitor mine closely, when to the dr for a check up and my measurement was 107/60. much lower than my monitor says. they even said the auto ones are off at times.

also if youre fat, high sodium diet(added sodium and in your sauces) and no cardio or water youre fucking yourself too.
I would up the telmisartan and the nebivolol.

I wouldn't take the HCTZ as it does increase insulin resistance and has other bad side effect, it's shitty for us bodybuilder.

If not even 80mg telmisartan and 5mg nebivolol fix it then yeah go to a doctor and find another combination