Can you just straight up ask?

Alfirk Recomim

New Member
Okay I know you can't ask on forums and I'm not doing that but basically I've had an international source for a long time but get paranoid with customs every time I order (although nothing has happened yet) and would like to get in contact with a domestic source. So let's say I find a trustable lab from, could I just send an email to the lab I want and ask to be hooked up with a verified supplier?
Okay I know you can't ask on forums and I'm not doing that but basically I've had an international source for a long time but get paranoid with customs every time I order (although nothing has happened yet) and would like to get in contact with a domestic source. So let's say I find a trustable lab from, could I just send an email to the lab I want and ask to be hooked up with a verified supplier?

Lol what? Are you asking should you contact AL and ask them to set you up with a good lab?
Your 18 years old then you don't really have any business using steroids. However most are stupid and do it anyway. And I sure as fuck ain't gonna tell you to go take sarms instead....
I can warn you all day but up do what you wanna do...

If you look hard enough there is plenty of info there. Just use someone who is tried and true. It took me a while to find my domestic. Once you find a good one stay loyal and you will be solid. And it's not that you don't ask on forums. You can ask all day, people will just shut you down lol. I don't think there is anything wrong with it personally but you gotta understand why people get frustrated with that question.

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We arent your parents bro,if you want to take steroids take them.

Start out with test only and do a proper pct and you will be fine IMO.
Okay I know you can't ask on forums and I'm not doing that but basically I've had an international source for a long time but get paranoid with customs every time I order (although nothing has happened yet) and would like to get in contact with a domestic source. So let's say I find a trustable lab from, could I just send an email to the lab I want and ask to be hooked up with a verified supplier?
Try to contact someone who may have used them if you need help. But after this, I don't know...
I've already done a cycle....damage is done and it's my choice. Didn't ask for opinions on that anyways. Not to be a dick but let me fuck up my life if you think that's what it's gonna do for me


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