My guy sends to Canada. to his own location. Then gets a domestic label and ships to me. Cant get caught that way
That's a nice way about it. What lab are they from if you don't mind me asking.
I know a guy in china who facilities different things i need . He does all the leg work over there, meets suppliers and what not , from raws to drop shipping items, amazon sales ETC ETC. He takes full responsibility for anything and everything i order. I have everything lab tested before hand and never had issues.

I know a guy in china who facilities different things i need . He does all the leg work over there, meets suppliers and what not , from raws to drop shipping items, amazon sales ETC ETC. He takes full responsibility for anything and everything i order. I have everything lab tested before hand and never had issues.
Who do you send your raws out to for testing if I may ask?

