Canadians - Thoughts on getyourdrugstested?

Do not use these guys get your drugs tested. I sent in 2 samples previously HPLC tested and one came back As the wrong steroid and the other came back as male sweat? Lmao go figure.
You reach out to SYN yet? Was it your anavar that came back as male sweat?
No Anavar came back as anadrol, my aromasin came back as a pheromone equivalent to sweat. What’s syn going to do? Lol they don’t create legit products they just trying to get money from whoever they can. I went with a local gym bro, sent it out for HPLC testing and came back legit and properly dosed.
I sent in syn pharma test e I actually sent in 1ml and they tested it a couple times. Both times it came back as not containing anything in their database all testosterone including. So it’s either syn pharma is junk or FTIR testing is bunk. I’m leaning towards the syn being junk as looking through getyourdrugstested all test results there are positively identified testosterone oils there. @SYNrep still won’t acknowledge this or provide hplc jano testing.