Carrier oil vs half life (castor)


New Member
Hi guys

Does more viscous carrier oil just delay when the drug hits the system or does it act as a slow drip , in a sense?

For example, compare MCT vs castor. I’ve been brewing most of my blends and compounds in MCT, except for Proviron, which I brewed in castor oil.

I recently brewed winny in castor at 50mg/ml concentration. No crazy PIP or lumps, I still pinned it 1.5 inches deep. Anyway , I feel it kicking in but very slightly. Not all at once aggression which helps it act as a pre
Workout. Assuming it takes 2 days for the body to separate hormone from carrier oil does that mean it is mostly inert for those two days or is there still a benefit ?

To use an analogy , would this be similar to a slow drip or is the oil Like an injectable ampule that does nothing for two days and then it breaks and you get the affects at that point. The former analogy would be like adding an ester to it. So if we brew tren ace in castor do we get a smooth 5 day half life or three day half life (I think that’s the acetate ester half life IIRC) with a two day delay (how Long it Takes to separate from carrier oil )

Thank you