Castor oil experiments

Guaiacol alternative, non toxic. I will add 10% Methyl Salicylate for the possibility of inflamation from Test Base and go from there

Not yet in a couple of days I want to let it sit a bit in the BA plus check for crashing.
Methyl salicylate is another solvent? Lol

Do we have any literature on the use of Ethyl lactate for injection?
Do we have any literature on the use of Ethyl lactate for injection?
Lots of literature. Needs care as it is labile and susceptible to hydrolysis and degradation.


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Do we have any literature on the use of Ethyl lactate for injection?

Bayer/Schering AG

EXAMPLE 9 There is produced according to Example 4 a melt from 1 part of testosterone propionate and 1 part of phenyl salicylate, 1 part of ethyl lactate and 2.5 parts of sesame oil are added thereto, yielding an oleaginous'injection liquid which contains 200 mg. of testosterone propionate per cc.

Methyl salicylate is another solvent? Lol
It's oil of wintergreen and it's used for pain relief in patches. 10% is the equivalent of 120mg salicylic acid aka aspirin. If you don't have any alergies to aspirin, it's a local anti-inflamatory/pain reliever, I theorize it will make Test Base sting less at 100mg/ml

Bayer/Schering AG

It's oil of wintergreen and it's used for pain relief in patches. 10% is the equivalent of 120mg salicylic acid aka aspirin. If you don't have any alergies to aspirin, it's a local anti-inflamatory/pain reliever, I theorize it will make Test Base sting less at 100mg/ml
Do you hope to halve the BB because you think the ethyl lactate is more healthy than using high BB?
Do you hope to halve the BB because you think the ethyl lactate is more healthy than using high BB?
Not healthy but more powerful as a solvent. I think it was the main solvent of Animal's Fina Kit. Bayer has some ingenious patents through the years and one can find little gems in there (Test prop at 200mg in sesame as shown above)

The crash test will be Test Base 100mg/ml (and then Test/Tren base for PreW at 75mg/75mg)
Next cycle should be 2.8gr/week including orals, at the peak, if everything goes according to plan and bloodwork is good. Starting at 750mg/week, I will pull bloods every 4 weeks and adjust upwards
What compounds?
Test Iso, TPP/NPP blend, last few weeks I will add Tren E at 150mg max. Orals will be drol/madol/protodrol 2 weeks on/2 weeks off and last 2 weeks 500mcg mtren on training days only to hit peak strength
Madrol/protodrol? Never heard of those.
Madrol/protodrol? Never heard of those.
Madol is the old PheraPlex prohormone era. Protodrol is similar to a methylated proviron, very light but with the benefits a DHT will have
I remember you writing about this somewhere else, a while a
ago, about trying to obtain it from a source, here.

I had never heard about this and had a Google, ending up on wiki.

Was it difficult to find, this time around?
Still rocking some original P-Plex bottles and I am going to put them in to use
Inj Anavar never tried or saw it though
What do you think about this setting:

What do you think about this setting:

posted in the thread

Crash test passed, I left vials out for the night (-3 Celsius), not crashed.

Next is the pip test, come Monday