@narta @Sampei so I tried a test 400 blend which is basically equal parts cyp, d and iso. I made it with a 50/50 blend of MCT and Castor, with a ratio of ba and bb of 2/30. It was very smooth pinning and absolutely no PIP. I made the same test blend in a 250mg per ml using only MCT and ba/bb at 2/26 and it gave me pip for a couple days, it was not bad but just uncomfortable enough for me to say this sucks and toss it. I will be using that test 400 blend for my blast and TRT, its very very smooth just still a tad thick which is ok. I dont know if doing a 60/40 blend of MCT and Castor will still give me “pipless” results? Any ideas? Thanks. This was my first time trying with castor and that shit just to get it into the syringe was thick as fuck I dont know how you guys use just castor. Im just happy it came out smooth and pipless at a higher MG blend. Thank you to
@Dirthand @Sampei @narta and
@Spaceman Spiff for your logs as I used knowledge from all of your brews!