Cheapest blood lab in US with BCBS insurance?


Well-known Member
Anyone on here with a high deductible BCBS plan and have a go-to lab? My GP and Endo have no issues ordering labs for me but I usually end up paying 2-3 times the cost of quoted prices I see mentioned in here at least until my deductible is met ($7.5k) which I usually dont even make it to by the end of the year. Am I better off just walking into Ulta and not using insurance and just paying their cash prices?
Hell I still pay $130 every 2 weeks just for me and my wife no kids lol
That is a ton for what amounts to nothing but what used to be called "catastrophic coverage".

Ran into this when I was self-employed... Cash is often FAR preferable to the insurance Ponzi scheme (but not always).

Had a knee issue, women nagged and nagged until I went to get an MRI (to shut them up about it).

Me: "How much is the MRI going to run me?"

Hucksters: "With insurance the total is $2800, so normally about $1000 out of pocket for most plans."

Me: " I am a cash patient, no insurance"."

Huckster smacks a few keys on her keyboard and says: "That'll be $450 cash."

Procedure took 20 minutes on a machine they bought 10 years prior and have long since paid for a hundred times over.
That is a ton for what amounts to nothing but what used to be called "catastrophic coverage".

Ran into this when I was self-employed... Cash is often FAR preferable to the insurance Ponzi scheme (but not always).

Had a knee issue, women nagged and nagged until I went to get an MRI (to shut them up about it).

Me: "How much is the MRI going to run me?"

Hucksters: "With insurance the total is $2800, so normally about $1000 out of pocket for most plans."

Me: " I am a cash patient, no insurance"."

Huckster smacks a few keys on her keyboard and says: "That'll be $450 cash."

Procedure took 20 minutes on a machine they bought 10 years prior and have long since paid for a hundred times over.
The whole thing is a scam. How is it three to four times the cost sometimes 10 times the cost with the "insurance discounted price" vs cash lol. The only thing that sucks about paying cash like this as it doesn't go towards my deductible lol