Chris Navoy Sentenced for Research Chemical and Conversion Kit Sales


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Christian Navoy was sentenced to 27 months in prison, 3 years probation and ordered to forfeit assets worth almost $2 million dollars for operating a research chemical company that sold bodybuilding ancillary products. Navoy pleaded guilty to a single count of “conspiracy to introduce misbranded drugs into interstate commerce, to sell drug paraphernalia [anabolic steroid accessories], and to commit mail fraud”. Navoy’s guilty plea and forfeiture reportedly assured the freedom of wife Jennifer Navoy who had faced similar charges. The government has dropped all charges against Jennifer Navoy; she will walk away with no criminal history after the completion of one year of pre-trial diversion. A review of the case provides insight into how the government is cracking down on steroid and ancillary drug use in athletic community.

I will NEVER understand who the HELL are they to tell us what we can put in our own bodies. It's MY body. Is this America or Russia? Even in Russia they have more freedom when it comes to supplements and cigarettes and such. If I want to use it and don't push it or do it in front of others what is this their frigin business? This is ridiculous. I know this is about a phony pusher, or so it sounds... but it just ticks me offffff to have the government tell me what I can take, and yet they will not provide health insurance for the less fortunate. If they are so concerned, stop approving the damn drugs that they openly advertise on television, may cause death!!! That's legal, but steroids which improve our bodies are illegal. Wouldn't it be more logical to approve them and help us with the dosages and make wise choices as to which ones are better for whom? This is simply retarded. IT"S LEGAL TO KILL US:eek:, just as long as the scientists and pharmaceutical companies can afford to bribe the FDA or Drug Administration... LMAO[:o)]
Great article Millard!!

There are so many things wrong with this it really isn't funny.. FDA overstepping their authority. Looking past the disclaimer.. If they can do it.. What's to stop any other fed agency from just throwing out any disclaimer when they want?
This is just another stretching/misconstruing of a law to fit their needs. It's ok for them to work around the Law.. When the people in charge break the laws.. There is no law!

Calling the chemicals misbranded.. That is a total falsehood. This reminds me of what goes on when Law enforcement want to arrest you or come into your house in an attempt to find further evidence against you because what they have beforehand is very weak and wouldn't stand up in court. These same charges many times are never seen when and if it does come to trial.. It's only the charges if and when they find something more sustainable. (court wise)

Going after the wife just in order to keep this out of court.. Cause there is a very good chance he would have won and or walked away with just a slap on the wrist. What's next.. children?

Should Amazon and Google be arrested and charged also? After all, they are making money from both Finaplix kits and finaplix itself..
What Cattle owner goes on to to buy their vet products..

People, or should I say sheeple.. More and more.. day after day your rights are taken away from you either by force, threat of force (which is the instance in this case) or even behind the scenes at congressional level. These are the same people who want you as tax payers to bail out all these companies that have lied cheated and stole their companies into the ground.. Yet your asked to bail to bail out.. This is criminal in the high definition of the word.. yet not a single charge is being brought out.. Why, Cause the fucking Government was the ones that started the whole mess..
Who will Bail out Chris!
Wake up!