Cialis and/or Viagra


New Member Supporter
Curious of people's results with these products.
I'm looking to be enlightened on the pros and cons of taking these drugs
I can Google effects of so and so but that won't tell me people's personal experiences

Thinking of crushing 2 viagra tabs, mixing them with some test 300 then injecting it directly into my shaft
Thoughts? *kidding on this part*

Edit : not only looking for pros and cons on sex life.
Looking for pros and cons on cycle or just in other aspects of life lol
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Cialis will have you ready anytime and anywhere.... Viagra, you will have to somewhat time it, otherwise it's a waste
Me and my wife are swingers, so i have taken viagra a couple times. It works but they give me the worst fucking headaches and my eyes feel like they are going to burst. I have yet to get my hands on cialis but i do look forward to trying them. I have heard great things with them. I have never really needed either of them but took the viagra to go all night. I do plan on getting some cialis before i get off cycle just to make sure he keeps working
Me and my wife are swingers, so i have taken viagra a couple times. It works but they give me the worst fucking headaches and my eyes feel like they are going to burst. I have yet to get my hands on cialis but i do look forward to trying them. I have heard great things with them. I have never really needed either of them but took the viagra to go all night. I do plan on getting some cialis before i get off cycle just to make sure he keeps working

It's actually a lot of fun when you don't actually need it, takes you to whole other level... for both people
Viagra on a full stomach hits you slower and with less of the pressure in the head.
25 or 50mg after food is not bad. Takes 20-30min. Foreplay.
100 mg on an empty stomach takes maybe 10 minutes to hit, and you're ready for take-off. So for me, timing is not that crucial.
I agree with GG, I don't have to have it, but damn---and she loves it too.
You can get trial packs of V and C from the Indian sites.
Try using small doses of either drug to avoid the sides and still get the desired effect.
Stuff can be had soooo cheap, like $1 a pill from places like napsgear.
You can spend $10 a pill and get higher quality Euro stuff from pharmacist.

They all pretty much work.... and cheap too.
I prefer cialis overall. I always have good luck with research chem stuff. Also have vardenafil (levitra) on hand as well. That stuff is the strongest imo. As others have stated however cialis is best bang for your buck, no pun intended. I mainly take it for blood pressure issues but the boners are a great side effect.
I did not have any sides with Viagra. I definitely prefer Cialis, for the same reasons as mentioned above. A full dose, and when the wind blows in my direction I can get a hard on, and not just for that night, the whole damn week, not to mention it helps with high blood pressure which is always a concern when using AAS
I don't know if this is frowned upon considering it's not aas but can anyone direct me to some good quality cialis?

