Clenbuterol in PCT

Joe P

New Member
I am still in the "do nothing" zone after a Tren cycle. I've got another 3 weeks before I will start my next cycle.

While I'm still in this PCT stage, is it OK to take Clenbuterol? Since this fat burner is classified as a steroid, I am thinking NO. ...but, it's just a fat burner, so there's a part of me that says it's OK to do this.

I'm having trouble keeping my body fat down after the Tren cycle burned all that grease off. Yeah, eat right. I know, but I've got kids. When they are wanting Mac-n-Cheese, pizza or burgers, it's hard to say, "Oh, I'll just eat (salad, oatmeal, protein shake)."
I am still in the "do nothing" zone after a Tren cycle. I've got another 3 weeks before I will start my next cycle.

While I'm still in this PCT stage, is it OK to take Clenbuterol? Since this fat burner is classified as a steroid, I am thinking NO. ...but, it's just a fat burner, so there's a part of me that says it's OK to do this.

I'm having trouble keeping my body fat down after the Tren cycle burned all that grease off. Yeah, eat right. I know, but I've got kids. When they are wanting Mac-n-Cheese, pizza or burgers, it's hard to say, "Oh, I'll just eat (salad, oatmeal, protein shake)."
Excuses huh? Start your kids off right, make them eat healthy too. They will thank you later in life. It's worth the whinning now imo
I am still in the "do nothing" zone after a Tren cycle. I've got another 3 weeks before I will start my next cycle.

While I'm still in this PCT stage, is it OK to take Clenbuterol? Since this fat burner is classified as a steroid, I am thinking NO. ...but, it's just a fat burner, so there's a part of me that says it's OK to do this.

I'm having trouble keeping my body fat down after the Tren cycle burned all that grease off. Yeah, eat right. I know, but I've got kids. When they are wanting Mac-n-Cheese, pizza or burgers, it's hard to say, "Oh, I'll just eat (salad, oatmeal, protein shake)."
On the other hand how is Clen classified as a steroid?

Yeah, I should have linked in the page I found, because it's lost to my browser's history now.

It said something to the effect that Clenbuterol is still considered a steroid, and should be classified as such when planning your PCT ...or something to that effect.

Should have linked in the source. :/
Yeah, I should have linked in the page I found, because it's lost to my browser's history now.

It said something to the effect that Clenbuterol is still considered a steroid, and should be classified as such when planning your PCT ...or something to that effect.

Should have linked in the source. :/

The source is incorrect, clenbuterol is not classified as a steroid. It is a beta2 agonist...

I am still in the "do nothing" zone after a tren cycle. I've got another 3 weeks before I will start my next cycle.

While I'm still in this pct stage

When exactly was your last pin?

Did not answer you because that was off topic. Not what I was asking.

He was giving you free advice, be respectful or I assure you no one will offer you any further advice be it "on topic" or not.
Did not answer you because that was off topic. Not what I was asking.
I know. I avoided your question because a simple search on what clen is and how it works would have given you all the info you need. I tend to shy away from spoonfeeding the basics unless I see a need based on safety issues.

You have the knowledge you need at this point. It isn't a steroid.

I know it's easier to make kids shut up by caving in to them but, as I'm sure you know, it only snowballs into a larger issue long term. Sorry for the friendly advice.
If I don't have fun with my son, then what's the point in having kids? Also, if I don't do it, then he will prefer living with his mother.

Anyway, just saying, I guess.

Last pin? Hmmm... I don't have the chart here at work, but I think it was around Nov 20. It's about time to restart.

Since I read that Clen was considered a steroid, I wondered if it needed to be avoided while in the clean-up stage.

The part about it being a "beta2 agonist" leaves me scratching my head. I don't know what that's supposed to mean to me, which is why I come to forums and ask questions.
the healthy foods don't have to be a burden. make it fun. be creative. doing this now will save you many headaches later. it's the start of a well disciplined child, and a well disciplined child tends to do much better throughout life than a child that always gets their way. All good either way, I get your point.

Google clenbuterol and do some reading about it. A fair amount of stuff is out there and it's not a very complicated subject.
The part about it being a "beta2 agonist" leaves me scratching my head. I don't know what that's supposed to mean to me, which is why I come to forums and ask questions.

To put it simply, it stimulates a receptor that stimulates fat burning. It's just a class of drugs.

The link below is an evidence based site that can explain the drug in depth, if you're interested in it's mechanism of action.
To put it simply, it stimulates a receptor that stimulates fat burning. It's just a class of drugs.

The link below is an evidence based site that can explain the drug in depth, if you're interested in it's mechanism of action.
Such a nice young man you are!
To put it simply, it stimulates a receptor that stimulates fat burning. It's just a class of drugs.

The link below is an evidence based site that can explain the drug in depth, if you're interested in it's mechanism of action.

I found the article that got me thinking:

How To Come Off Steroids - Steroid. com

In it, the article talks about the PCT drugs after a 10 week cycle. It says if you have 4 weeks of PCT after a 10 week cycle, then you should wait 14 weeks before starting your next cycle.

When to Start Your Next Cycle

For optimal health the general rule to follow is time on equals time off. If your cycle last 10 weeks and your PCT plan last 4 weeks you will wait 14 weeks before starting a new cycle. A mistake many men make is saying testosterone levels have recovered and it is now Okay to start a new cycle. If you do this you have not allowed your body time to normalize.

Since Clenbuterol is also considered a steroid, it had me thinking maybe it needed to go into the whole PCT plan.

I see now that it does not, but I wanted to post the link when I came back across it. See? I'm doing my reading! It's just a lot to get in all at one time. Big learning curve.

PPL had a good article down at the bottom of the Arimidex listing:
Purple Panda Labs

Arimidex is something else I'm thinking about. Would that be taken DURING a cycle or after as part of the PCT?
Sorry folks..But OP's the perfect example of a person who does not know what the fuck he's doing! He's running TREN (don't know what Clen or when to use AI) and expected to look shredded-but yet, blame the kids for wanting mac/chees, burger, pizzas... You know what???? Man the Fuck up and take ownership!

Here's my advice (I highly doubt you'll take it)
1. Don't take Clen or other shit while in PCT
2. Stop stuffing your face!
3. Hit the Treadmill
4. Come back in 6 months and revisit your though of running another cycle!

If not, we'll be waiting for your "I can't get my dick up thread"

You're welcome!
I found the article that got me thinking:

How To Come Off Steroids - Steroid. com

In it, the article talks about the PCT drugs after a 10 week cycle. It says if you have 4 weeks of PCT after a 10 week cycle, then you should wait 14 weeks before starting your next cycle.

Since Clenbuterol is also considered a steroid, it had me thinking maybe it needed to go into the whole PCT plan.

I see now that it does not, but I wanted to post the link when I came back across it. See? I'm doing my reading! It's just a lot to get in all at one time. Big learning curve.

PPL had a good article down at the bottom of the Arimidex listing:
Purple Panda Labs

Arimidex is something else I'm thinking about. Would that be taken DURING a cycle or after as part of the PCT?
A lot of misinformation on that site and in the PCT section. Especially on when to start PCT.
