clomid = huge loads

HCG does this for me. My wife looked like the star of a bukkaki film the first time I used it. Ooops. Sorry hon.
When i used to pull out back in the day, if it made it as far as her tits should would start freakin out in a cute way though. She didnt want it in her hair or eye but she didnt wanna have to wash the sheets either.
When i used to pull out back in the day, if it made it as far as her tits should would start freakin out in a cute way though. She didnt want it in her hair or eye but she didnt wanna have to wash the sheets either.
Nothing better than the pullout hip shot face shot
What's the longest time anybody's been celibate. No masturbating either. :rolleyes:
I just went 5 months after splitting with my ex. Ran a full cycle without getting laid and just 2 nights ago got with the tinder girl and surprised both of us from the clomid
Hahaha Peter North...there's a blast from the (no pun intended)

Umm, Northern, Peter North is not just a blast from the past - he is still blasting away today. And still drowning chicks.

He claims his secret is celery. Of course, he's probably not gonna come right out and tell what drugs he is running. Dude is in great shape for his age - he has always been into fitness and lifting.

Okay, time to end this post as I am feeling gheyer with each additional word I type.