CNraw Client's Testing reports(Testo Enanthate) by Lab4Tox on 2022.11.21

I was trying to work it out when it was first posted. Looks like an under dosed TestE and an extremely high mg TestE.
Maybe op can explain what it is @Khal_T

Sorry for not listing the dosage of that client's Testo E vials, 150mg/ml vial and 850mg/ml vial. He did it for special clients. ;) What I attached them here is to show the quality of raws, even for low dosage and high dosage.
to reduce the confusion you should maybe add that you are the person behind cnraw and that those results are intented to be those numbers.
But i dont think 850mg/ml can be good for one..
High mg gear is supposed to be cut with sterile oil or with compounds like 200mg MastE
I see weekly people in a Facebook group complaining about using high mg testosterone for trt and not being able to walk. This is a screenshot of the mg gear for sale online 701155D1-426E-4DD8-90D7-BC0FA2A22AD5.jpeg
850mg/ml? Is this a typo? I dont want to know how bad the pip is.
Your thinking about this all wrong bud.

If you pin that shit into your quads it will burn a hole into you, then you can bend your dick over and fuck it anytime you want. Plus the gains? Its a double win. This is genius lvl thinking.