Combining HIT with pump work?


New Member
I have been training low volume / high intensity for quite a while. Top set / back off set to failure x 2-3 exercises per body part. I have been considering adding in sets of pump/metabolite work as a final exercise, mainly for chest and back. I am thinking top set / back off to failure for the first two exercises and then on the third exercise, 3-4 sets in a higher rep range (15-20), possibly not going to failure until the last set of pump work.

I have trained with Meadows PPL programs before and liked the pump days he incorporates later in the week; however, training three days in a row builds up too much fatigue for me now. Currently my split hits each muscle group every 5 days - Chest, Shoulders, Tri / Legs / Off / Back, Bi / Off / Repeat.

Anyone train low volume/high intensity and incorporate pump work in the same session? See any issue with this on my current split?