Comeback cycle log

I'm going to continue current cycle of 500 test 200 mast 100npp. But after the next two weeks I'm considering bumping up to 500 test still but with 400mast and 150 npp. I like to increases my dosages up every 4 to 6 weeks as I find I respond best to this. I'm holding 230 still but lifts have gone a bit stagnant. But like always I play by how my body is reacting. Also considering bringing in gh at 2iu to start.
What gauge needle can the aa pre-workout go thru? Thin enough to go thru a 31?
Its a very thin oil so yes. I used a 25 3/4 inch In my delts, bis and chest. But I haven't used it for a bit. I just don't like poking myself up right before I train. I like to use that time to listen to music and focus my mind on the task ahead. I think I'll go back to gorilla minds pump formula for the time being. But apparently stampede and super shredder are the shit when it comes to injectable pre workouts.
Picked up a second job so needed to change up my training routine. Which was probably for the best as I'm feeling a bit beat up. Was doing the 5 day a week bro split but going to switch to Yates program but with more volume.

Mon- Chest, biceps with a sprinkle of side laterals
Tue- Legs
Wed- Off
Thurs- Back with a little bit more bicep
Friday Shoulders, traps and triceps

Also considering upping the cycle a bit. Currently still 500 test 100 npp 200 mast. Not getting as much joint relief as I would like so thinking of adding another 50mgs of npp and 100 of mast. I currently do two shots a weeks so if I do that I think I will spilt it into 3 injections. Mon wed Fri. It would come out to about 175 test 50 npp 100 mast 3 days a week. I still have a bottle of dhb sitting around but don't really think it make sense to throw that in at this point. I think I'll keep playing with the compounds I'm already using and save the dhb for another time. All thoughts and opinions welcome.
Still going strong. Weight is 234. I'm trying to hold this weight and refine it. Cycle is
525 test c
150 npp
300 mast e
Planning to finally jump on some growth. Start with 2iu and see how I feel and respond and possibly jump to 4iu but it all depends. Will keep a close eye on fasting glucose. If I run into an issue I'm prepared to implement lantus daily to control that. Getting stronger in the gym. Loving the new split. Feel much more rested and am able to progress my lifts usually every other training session. Would love some feed back on growth and anything I should be aware of before jumping on the ship.
Growth hormone has joined the party. It's been 1 week at 2iu and weight is 240. Also just order some igf des to experiment with. Did a blood donation on Wednesday. Also considering bringing superdrol back to the party. But I want to give the gh a bit more time so I can note any changes I notice solely do to the gh. Definetly feel fuller.
Going into a cruise but going off everything for a week to try and get this feeling of being under water and dizzy figured out. I started telmisartan starting at 20mgs and up to 80mgs currently. I don't know if this is what's causing it or the gear or water retention but it's really uncomfortable.
Going into a cruise but going off everything for a week to try and get this feeling of being under water and dizzy figured out. I started telmisartan starting at 20mgs and up to 80mgs currently. I don't know if this is what's causing it or the gear or water retention but it's really uncomfortable.
Maybe trying every drug out there could be the cause, all I read is adding adding adding. It’s not too difficult pick one or two compounds and eat, train, sleep.


Talked about all those in a comback cycle.
I used test,mast and npp. A course of superdrol and gh. All doses were titrated up slowly and the gh is a very recent addition. It seems the cause was the telmisartan. My body just doesn't react to it well. I've felt better since removing it and am now going to look into a different blood pressure med with my doctor. I've taken the week off all gear and am going to start back up next week with test at 200 and the gh at 2iu and cruise for the next 8 weeks.
I don't feel like I was excessive with my dosing and I titrated slowly to assess sides. I'm feeling much better now since dropping the telmisartan. So again I'm planning on cruising for the next 4-6 weeks. I just did bloods and everything was great. Hct 45% alt ast 23 and 31, total cholesterol 170, creatanine 1.2. All health supps are in place. I'm thinking of keeping it simple next cycle since I respond to test and mast very well. I'm thinking 750 test and 600 mast and 2-4iu of growth. Maybe an oral sprinkled in here or there.
Feeling good. Cruising at 250 test and 2iu of growth. Doctor has me on 10mg of Lisinopril. Dizziness has gone down. I actually feel like I can train harder now which is interesting. Getting stronger slowly. Really milking each strength progression. I've dropped my carbs with my last meal. So usually doing a pound of steak or salmon with a salad or asparagus. Lost a few pounds. Holding at 236 but I'm just leaner. No muscle loss as I'm actually getting stronger. Have a stress test set up with cardiologist to cover my bases and get some baseline readings to track any changes in the future.
Feeling good so now I'm going to jump into a small cut. I've maintained at maintenance calories and basic doses for about 7 weeks. Current weight is 240lbs. So I've put myself in to a 500 cal deficit this week and am going to start ramping up the doses again. Initially with 500mgs of test and then I'll add in mast starting at 200mgs. May increase the mast to 400 and the test to 750 depending on how I feel. Going to do this mini cut to resensitize to insulin and get my body ready for my next lean bulk. It will all be played out by feel and how my body is reacting. Any tips welcome. Going to add in cardio post workout for 15min 3 times a week and increase from there if needed.
Everything is going well. So far I've just continued to play with test only because I just feel so good on it. I ramped my dose to 500mgs for the last 3 weeks with 40mgs of anavar only on training days. Which is 4 days a week. But this week I've increased my test to 750 and am going to continue the anavar. Still in a 500 calorie deficit and holding 235. Abs and obliques are coming in but I'm also slowing getting stronger. Don't know if I'll add the mast at this point but I'm just really happy how I feel overall. I've stuck to 2iu of growth since I first started but perhaps I'll increase that to 3 or 4iu but before that I want to get my a1c tested. My fasting glucose is right at 100 in the morning. I've added berberine but I've always had slightly high morning glucose my whole life but I don't think I actually have a problem with my insulin or high blood suger. I've read about a condition that gives you artificially high blood suger through some weitd mechanism. I won't know for sure until I test my a1c. But anyway that's where I'm at 750mg test 40mg of anavar pre training amd weight is holding at 235.
Still going strong. Dropped a bit more fat. Holding 232lbs. I'm still doing the 750 test and 40 anavar pre training. But just this week I added 300mgs of masteron. Strength is going up slowly. Going to continue with this combo and get bloods in the next couple weeks to see if I need to make any changes. Considering throwing in a 6 week course of igf1lr3 or just increase my gh. But in the end bloods will determine what I do next.
Feeling good.
750 test cyp
300 mast e
40 anavar pre workout/ but going to drop after this week. Been on for 6 weeks already.
Upped gh. 3iu 5 days a week
Holding cals where there are and recomping. Strength is going up. Weight still 232. And Feb of last year I was a soft 193.
Feeling great. Strength is slowing going up but weight stays about the same because I'm not pushing cals. Really want to solidify this weight. But wanted to increase gh this week. Was thinking either
4iu Mon thru Fri. sat sun off.
Or 5iu Mon tue Thurs Frid which are my training days. Comes out to the same total iu for the week but I've read by doing the 5iu 4 days a week instead of 4iu 5 days a week I'll get a slightly hight igf1 spike. Also brining in lantus to bring down fasting blood suger. 10iu to start. But I don't know if I should do it 5 days a week. Training days only or even off days only. Please any suggestion
Update. Still going strong
750 test
300 mast
4iu gh
5 to 10 units of lantus joining the party.

Strength is slowing progressing. Weight hovers between 233-236. I'm just getting denser,leaner and stronger at this weight.

But here's my question. I've been on 750mg test coming up on 3 months now, and have had 300mg mast for the past two months added. Im getting bloods this week to check markers but I feel great. So if all is good with blood work I would like to push a little harder for the next 8 weeks before dropping to my cruise. So I've had a few ideas

Plan 1 is to simple continue my dosing of 250 test 100 mast M W F. But switch it to EOD which will put me at:
875mg test
350mg mast
Reintroduce Anavar at 40-80mgs

Or keep my dosing schedule MWF but just
increase the doses to
1000mg test
400 Mast
And skip the anavar.

This will be my final push mind you for 8 weeks as long as bloods come back healthy.
I guess this log is just going to have to be for my own uses. Which is fine. I just hoped there would be feedback on this board. Doesn't matter.

Feeling good. Lifts progressing weekly to biweekly. Been sticking with the same dose but am now on my second week of using lantus. First week was .5 iu on training days. Definitely felt fuller. This week I'm using .7. also bringing carbs down a bit on off days and using berberine 3 times a day. Can't say enough on how in tune I feel. Like everything is chugging along nicely. Next week going to reintroduce Anavar. Debating on using it only on training days, every day, or cycle the dose so I'm taking it everyday but taking 40mgs pre training and 20mgs on off days.

Weight 238
Test 750
Mast 300
Gh 4iu 5 on 2 off
Lantus 7iu up waking

450 carbs 250 protein 100 fat