Coming off after 2.5 years


New Member
So, I started a conversation with a member here regarding my situation and I'm not sure exactly how this forum works so I wanted to start a thread, as well. Hopefully, this is of no inconvenience for anyone. Anyways, here goes:

I was on for 2.5 years (blast/cruise) with blasts of 600mg of test and 400mg of deca and cruises with 250-500mg of test. Planned to stay on and do self-Rx TRT originally. Things changed, priorities are much different now, and quite frankly I don't want to do anything illegal anymore. I know TRT through a physician may end up being my case but I'm going to try everything else first to come off, completely. I am currently somewhat running the PoWer PCT protocol. Unfortunately, I currently do not have access to HCG so it's only clomid/nolva. I'm currently 28.

1) Does anyone think I have an sort of chance of even remotely recovering from this? By recover I mean at least at the lower end of normal ranges.

2) Is there anything else anyone would recommend I add in for PCT? If you even want to call it PCT, that is.

3) If I do not recover from this PCT would there be any issues running another PCT later in the year?

Thank you everyone and I hope all is well.
Any responses or thoughts from anyone? I know I made a mistake and I'm just looking for the best way to move forward regarding this situation. Any advice or shared experiences is appreciated.
I think you can run back to back PCT's without too much health risk, probably safer than the blast and cruise you just finished. Do some bloods and see what your liver values look like.
You certainly wont be the first guy to try and recover from a long cruise. wish you luck.
Run the power pct and then be prepared to give it some time. I've read of guys coming off after longer runs but most say it takes around eight months to fully recover. Good luck!
Recover wo LABS with your history, very unlikely, IME!

What were the results of your most recent labs?

Give members an idea what you have been cycling, (include the AAS, dose and duration) on average say over the past 6 months.
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Over the past 6 months I ran 500mg of test and 300mg of deca for 12 weeks. The rest of the time was a cruise of 300mg of test.
Now about that cruise dose of 300mg of test a week. Was that split twice a week for a total of 600mg? Just curious.
Over the past 6 months I ran 500mg of test and 300mg of deca for 12 weeks. The rest of the time was a cruise of 300mg of test.
So you have been off Deca for 3 months?

I'm sure you have no idea what your labs were before you started this 2.5 year crusade?
