Coming off of 24 week cycle


New Member
I had just come off of a 24 week cycle of 500mg of test E and 8 weeks of anavar (50mg daily) 5 weeks ago. Been cruising on 200mg test E since that cycle for 5 weeks. The whole cycle I’ve been supplementing 1,000 IUS of HCG weekly. I’ve been putting off going back to being natural, for the typical obvious reasons. My question is, with it being my first cycle, me being 23 Y/O, implementing HCG, and having nolvadex for PCT, would I be able to make a full recovery? If so does anyone have a similar situation in the past and give me insight on how long it took to make a full recovery? Any advice would be very appreciated. Thanks.
Lol nobody can tell you for sure. Doesn’t matter what people say after my post in this thread. And how do you even define “full recovery”? Did you get bloods to see your what your natty peak test used to be? Are you aiming to get back to that level? People have done it but there’s no telling how long it will take or whether it will go back at all. Generally people “feel like themselves again” after 3-4 months.

Just curious, did you use any AI on cycle? That’s quite a lot of drugs you used for your first blast ever, controlling estrogen must’ve been tough. Any before and after pics?

HCG is mainly useful for maintaining testicular size on cycle. Any exogenous testosterone administration will shut down your HPG axis after cessation of testosterone
Lol nobody can tell you for sure. Doesn’t matter what people say after my post in this thread. And how do you even define “full recovery”? Did you get bloods to see your what your natty peak test used to be? Are you aiming to get back to that level? People have done it but there’s no telling how long it will take or whether it will go back at all. Generally people “feel like themselves again” after 3-4 months.

Just curious, did you use any AI on cycle? That’s quite a lot of drugs you used for your first blast ever, controlling estrogen must’ve been tough. Any before and after pics?

HCG is mainly useful for maintaining testicular size on cycle. Any exogenous testosterone administration will shut down your HPG axis after cessation of testosterone
I used anastrozole .5mg 24hrs. Post shot. Along with supplementing DIM and zinc. Estrogen was no biggie. Just some water retention which is typical. I got my test levels checked before I hopped on and they ONLY sent me my free test levels. They said they’d have to retest to verify my other levels because they were lost somehow. By then I was already on. My free test was 10.79 ng/dl so relatively low. I’m aiming to atleast get back to that.
Lol nobody can tell you for sure. Doesn’t matter what people say after my post in this thread. And how do you even define “full recovery”? Did you get bloods to see your what your natty peak test used to be? Are you aiming to get back to that level? People have done it but there’s no telling how long it will take or whether it will go back at all. Generally people “feel like themselves again” after 3-4 months.

Just curious, did you use any AI on cycle? That’s quite a lot of drugs you used for your first blast ever, controlling estrogen must’ve been tough. Any before and after pics?

HCG is mainly useful for maintaining testicular size on cycle. Any exogenous testosterone administration will shut down your HPG axis after cessation of testosterone
I’m aware that no one can tell me for sure, that’s impossible. Just hoping I can get insight with someone that has had a similar case.
I’m aware that no one can tell me for sure, that’s impossible. Just hoping I can get insight with someone that has had a similar case.
There’s prob a million and one similar cases and all of them had varied results. You won’t know what’s going to happen to YOU unless you try it
In my personal experience my first cycle I bounced back rather quick. I ran 500 test and 50 anavar the last 6 weeks. Then ran clomid and with in two months I had my energy and drive back. But as I continued to take cycles it got harder and harder to bounce back. I am now 36 and blast and Cruze. I may even just leave it at a try level. But best of luck to you.
In my personal experience my first cycle I bounced back rather quick. I ran 500 test and 50 anavar the last 6 weeks. Then ran clomid and with in two months I had my energy and drive back. But as I continued to take cycles it got harder and harder to bounce back. I am now 36 and blast and Cruze. I may even just leave it at a try level. But best of luck to you.
But 24 weeks is pretty long for a first cycle.