coming off test prop. jittery?????


New Member
What can I expect for pct. I was pinning 200mg test p EOD for the last 7 weeks of my cycle. I'm going to take my first dose of pct tonight before bed. I feel jittery. Is this normal?
You need to wait at least two weeks for the prop to clear your system before pct. You still have test p in your system.
How long was your cycle ? If you do the half life math with the amount you put in your body and the length of cycle you will see 3 days is not accurate. If you were on only 8 weeks I would say maybe a week but it sounds like a 12 or 16 weeker. So to be safe I would say 2 weeks
It's probably just your anxiety
coming back now that Prop is leaving system :D

Yea, it will take more than 3 days..
It's probably just your anxiety
coming back now that Prop is leaving system :D

Yea, it will take more than 3 days..

^ This right here. It's anxiety and it's very common to experience that when levels start dropping. It gets even worse when your test levels are in the dirt. When I was going clean long enough to get script test I thought I was going to hang myself with my shoelaces my anxiety was so bad!!!
You need to wait at least two weeks for the prop to clear your system before pct. You still have test p in your system.

You're thinking about Test E (pct starting 2-3 weeks depending on weekly dose)

Test prop should start 3-4 days after last pin (dosage depending)
I believe 7 weeks @650 MG per week will take more than a week to clear system. @Dr JIM I believe answered a op who thought the same thing with a explanation of half life of a compound extends over time and dosage. In two weeks 650 MG may clear by 3-4 days but not 7. I'm sure someone with more knowledge will correct me if I'm out of bounds with this.
Prop is a short ester... Everything I've read says 3 days. Thats why people switch to prop while the others clear

Alot of people do start pct 3 days after last im of prop. Eventhough you have alot of test in your system you can still start pct as the half life is being cut in half every 3 to 4 days. Theres a site Im sure someone will post where you enter your compound and dose and it gives you a pct start time. It calculates the half life for you.
I believe 7 weeks @650 MG per week will take more than a week to clear system. @Dr JIM I believe answered a op who thought the same thing with a explanation of half life of a compound extends over time and dosage. In two weeks 650 MG may clear by 3-4 days but not 7. I'm sure someone with more knowledge will correct me if I'm out of bounds with this.

The "washout" interval used by TRT researchers for T-c and T-e is typically FOUR weeks.

(For T-p the interval likely can be shortened to roughly 2 weeks, providing no other AAS with a longer half life is also being cycled)

While it's true one can begin PCT awaiting a shorter interval than four weeks, the presence of EXOGENOUS TT inhibits LH production regardless.
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The "washout" interval used by TRT researchers for T-c and T-e is typically FOUR weeks.

(For T-p the interval likely can be shortened to roughly 2 weeks, providing no other AAS with a longer half life is also being cycled)

While it's true one can begin PCT awaiting a shorter interval than four weeks, the presence of EXOGENOUS TT inhibits LH production regardless.
So pct should start 4 weeks after last test e/c pin?

Or 2 weeks out on last test p pin?

I just want to make sure I'm clear on this...

Those are good estimates IMO, but what really matters is first demonstrating testicular responsiveness to HCG as revealed by increased TT levels.

Thereafter SERM related PCT should only commence when endogenous TT levels have reached 200-300 ng/DL, in the ABSENCE OF HCG. (Or using no more than low dose HCG)

So really your talking at least 6 weeks regardless.

However many mate believe otherwise and only run one cycle onto another never achieving full HTPA recovery.

The bottom line your not fully recovered until BASELINE TT production is once again restored.

Most of those will be joining the TRT crowd later (or earlier) in life IME.
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Respected Dr Jim and all members ,

I have some questions regarding test prop and other compounds mixed in a cycle and the following pct .

I hope its OK to post the query in the same thread .

Suppose one is doing a cycle of test propionate 750mg weekly for 12weeks along with anavar 80mg for 8 weeks and winstrol for 8 weeks .
When exactly the PCT must start ?

When must be hcg commenced and stopped in the cycle ?

And should be aromasin taken daily throught the cycle and pct along with nolva and clomid ? Does this speed or help the recovery process ?

Iam still not understanding the exact time when one must start the pct after the last shot of propionate . is it 3 days , a week or a couple of weeks ?

and does it matter that you stop all the anabolics at the same time I.e after 12weeks and since they are short acting , when is the perfect time to start pct and for how long ?

Is the duration of pct also age and dose dependant ? Are there any variables like if you are in age group of 20-30 a 4 week protocol will be good or say if you are 40+ then a specific protocol helps more ? Or its the length of the cycle and dose taken decides the length of the pct regardless of the age factor ?

And if blood work is needed when in the cycle and pct it must be done ?

Sorry i have too many questions but a proper pct IMHO is more imp then the cycle itself so want to be extremely clear about this .
"RAY" your questions, and many others, have already been addressed in one of several Meso "stickies" located on the home page.

Try reviewing the PCT threads for answers to your questions
fella, bc they have ALL been asked and answered previously.

Fact is I answered your T-p to PCT waiting interval in the post immediately above yours. That to me is telling bc you have TWO POSTS yet multiple questions on a topic covered many times on this forum. How about you demonstrating a little effort before sitting down to be spoon fed RAY?

Finally I will also suggest to you and every other noob, designing a PCT plan should commence and be completed BEFORE STARTING A CYCLE, not AFTER!
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Dr Jim ,
Iam sorry if I have offended you anyways with my questions . I did read your reply above but was not able to understand it .
But anyway as suggested by you , I will read all the stickes and try to understand the pct timing concept .
Thanx and sorry if my questions or my approach has offended you or any other members .
Dr Jim ,
Iam sorry if I have offended you anyways with my questions . I did read your reply above but was not able to understand it .
But anyway as suggested by you , I will read all the stickes and try to understand the pct timing concept .
Thanx and sorry if my questions or my approach has offended you or any other members .