Crashed prolactin from caber on npp


New Member
Currently on test, npp, dbol. Libido has been through the roof but it was borderline impossible to nut. Took .25mg caber which solved the issue but my prolactin levels came back undetectable on bloodwork. I’m wondering if this is problematic? I know caber has it’s own side effects like the heart valve issues but I couldn’t find much specifically on the health effects of low prolactin in men.
No, for a male it is not problematic.

In my bulk I am using 0.25mg e7d and my prolactin is near zero.

It only has benefits really.

The side effects you are talking about were noticed in doses varying from 1mg to 3mg ed (!)

Caber is NOT a drug to take without consideration. It's a dopamine agonist.
This. You really don't want to play with your dopamine too much. Caber should only be used as needed, not on a pre determined dosing schedule
This. You really don't want to play with your dopamine too much. Caber should only be used as needed, not on a pre determined dosing schedule
Out of curiosity why? I took caber preventivey on my first deca cycle. I later learned through bloodwork many times over, I don't need caber on any 19nors. Just when my e2 gets high for a long amount of time. But I never experienced any negative side effects and crashing my prolactin. I was quicker to cum is all. I thought prami was the one you really don't want to mess with because of the withdrawal symptoms
Caber is a garbage drug that you do NOT take without bloodwork showing drastically elevated prolactin WITHOUT elevated e2.

If both are elevated, deal with e2 first.

You do not use caber profilactically and people need to stop recommending caber. 99.99% of people DO. Not. NEED. IT.
Caber is a garbage drug that you do NOT take without bloodwork showing drastically elevated prolactin WITHOUT elevated e2.

If both are elevated, deal with e2 first.

You do not use caber profilactically and people need to stop recommending caber. 99.99% of people DO. Not. NEED. IT.
e2 was mildly elevated at 45pg/ml, tried adex first ranging from .125mg - .5mg and it either didn’t help or gave me low e2 symptoms. Unfortunately I didn’t get prolactin included on the first round of bloods so I don’t know how high it was only that it was undetectable after taking caber. Before taking caber I couldn’t nut from sex at all, it got to the point where my girl thought I wasn’t attracted to her anymore. Even when jerking off I’d have to abuse my dick for 30 minutes straight to nut.
P5p instead. 100mg to 200mg.

Caber when you get in *oh shit* situations... which you wont get in if you take your low dose p5p and keep estro in check.

No, in the short term, very little concern over *crashed* prolactin as a male.
Caber is a garbage drug that you do NOT take without bloodwork showing drastically elevated prolactin WITHOUT elevated e2.

If both are elevated, deal with e2 first.

You do not use caber profilactically and people need to stop recommending caber. 99.99% of people DO. Not. NEED. IT.
Yea I’ve never taken prami or caber, never needed it. Most of the guys I know they have never had to use it either.
Don't know about effects of crashed prolactin but I have needed to use caber in the past and I know plenty of people that had a legitimate need for caber.

I do not recommend taking caber without getting bloods first and I certainly wouldn't recommend using caber as a preventative measure. Why risk the sides of caber if you don't need it?

Everyone is different and many who have been around a long time know their own bodies quite well. For those that don't, consulting with a doctor may be a better option versus starting caber without understanding whether or not you need it.

Caber is NOT a drug to take without consideration. It's a dopamine agonist.
The statement “it only has benefits” referred to a prolactin near zero, not to caber. Should had clarified that more.

Caber should of course only be used if your prolactin is completely out of control and not able to be controlled by P5P and Agnus Castus.