MESO-Rx Exclusive Critical roles of estrogens in male bodybuilders using AAS

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MESO-Rx is proud to announce the publication of a new original article by @Type-IIx.

In the world of bodybuilding, concerns about the impact of estrogens on conditions such as gynecomastia often prompt athletes to consider anti-aromatase therapies to manage elevated levels. But are estrogens entirely detrimental?

In his latest piece, Type-IIx explores the vital roles that estrogens play in the health of male bodybuilders who use anabolic-androgenic steroids. The article sheds light on the positive effects of estrogens on sexual health, lipid regulation, and general well-being.

Funny, this article thread has no comments, yet so many guys talk about estrogen's benefits without knowing what they actually are.

So many cling to the notion of "enhanced anabolism," but this should be a highly qualified statement rather than a blanket one.
Funny, this article thread has no comments, yet so many guys talk about estrogen's benefits without knowing what they actually are.

So many cling to the notion of "enhanced anabolism," but this should be a highly qualified statement rather than a blanket one.
I'm interested in a further study on how e2 effects the heart. Since it indicates that there was a higher concentration in serum levels in males with heart issues. Would this just be a coincidence or is there another factor at play? Would someone with heart disease have a higher endogenous serum level or is it going into cardiac arrest raising it?
I'm interested in a further study on how e2 effects the heart. Since it indicates that there was a higher concentration in serum levels in males with heart issues. Would this just be a coincidence or is there another factor at play? Would someone with heart disease have a higher endogenous serum level or is it going into cardiac arrest raising it?
That other factor is testosterone. E2 is lipid beneficial.
Funny, this article thread has no comments, yet so many guys talk about estrogen's benefits without knowing what they actually are.

So many cling to the notion of "enhanced anabolism," but this should be a highly qualified statement rather than a blanket one.
Somehow this one went under the radar, perhaps people that read it had no questions left as pretty much everything was understandable. Assuming reader already has some basic knowledge.

Interesting part to me is that higher estrogen leads to more of a female type gain in weight/fat, this sounds logical of course. I'm genitically prone to having a fat ass and store on my legs too if I let myself go. This might explain why I'm so sensitive to estrogen even on TRT amounts. Possibly I was always dealing with higher than normal e2. Just me thinking out loud.

Thanks for the article you're the true master and guru of Meso! @Type-IIx