Cruise or...


New Member
I'm on my 10th week of Testosterone Enanthate 500mg weekly, pinning 250mg Mondays and Thursdays. I'm shooting for 16 to 20 weeks if everything goes good, which it has so far (knock on wood).

I honestly don't want to come off the 500mg weekly dosage. I feel better than I ever have at my age (48). Would it be better to cruise at say 250mg for 8 weeks after blasting 500mg for 16-20 weeks? Or could I do it indefinitely if everything stays good?
you cant safely stay on a 500mg dose indefinitely, you will eventually run into issues.
That being said, there is no rule saying that 1 day after 20 weeks your kidneys will fall out.

Get bloodwork every 2 months, every 3 months minimum, and keep an eye on things. if youve already been on for 16 weeks and bloodwork looks good, you can probably extend it out a month and check bloods again.
If youre going to take this more reckless approach of long sustained blasting you should be getting bloods done more frequently, like every month, once youre into the laser stages of the cycle.

At your age you would cruise at a closer to trt dose, unless youre carrying open bodybuilder levels of size you dont need such a high cruise dose.

The whole context of your post makes this sound like its a first cycle. if thats the case, once you hit the 16 week mark or earlier, id recommend backing down to <200mg a week for a cruise period AT LEAST as long as your blast period. not just a casual 8 weeks.
you cant safely stay on a 500mg dose indefinitely, you will eventually run into issues.
That being said, there is no rule saying that 1 day after 20 weeks your kidneys will fall out.

Get bloodwork every 2 months, every 3 months minimum, and keep an eye on things. if youve already been on for 16 weeks and bloodwork looks good, you can probably extend it out a month and check bloods again.
If youre going to take this more reckless approach of long sustained blasting you should be getting bloods done more frequently, like every month, once youre into the laser stages of the cycle.

At your age you would cruise at a closer to trt dose, unless youre carrying open bodybuilder levels of size you dont need such a high cruise dose.

The whole context of your post makes this sound like its a first cycle. if thats the case, once you hit the 16 week mark or earlier, id recommend backing down to <200mg a week for a cruise period AT LEAST as long as your blast period. not just a casual 8 weeks.
I guess you could say it's a first cycle, haven't used steroids in roughly 6yrs.

Thank you for the reply. After 16wks I'll cruise 16wks at 200mg.
you cant safely stay on a 500mg dose indefinitely, you will eventually run into issues.
What issues? If he uses Statins and medications against prostate hypertrophy, what problems would happen?

And is 300-400 mg testosterone a week also dangerous if used permanently? 300 mg puts me at 5,000 ng/dL, and I want this to be permanent.
I guess you could say it's a first cycle, haven't used steroids in roughly 6yrs.

Thank you for the reply. After 16wks I'll cruise 16wks at 200mg.
At 48 your natural testosterone level is already close to hypogonadal. There is no point in being "natty" at this age.

If you can't handle high testosterone doses for an indefinite time, just use a TRT (or slightly above TRT) dose when you are not on cycle.

Anyway, even if you use high testosterone doses, everything should be fine as long as blood work numbers are fine.
The whole context of your post makes this sound like its a first cycle. if thats the case, once you hit the 16 week mark or earlier, id recommend backing down to <200mg a week for a cruise period AT LEAST as long as your blast period. not just a casual 8 weeks.
Agreed. This being your first cycle, you’ll absolutely be able to continue making gains at 150-200 test especially at your age. You’ll get a little softer and may not look as pretty but if you keep pushing the food and training harder, then cut before your next blast you’ll love the results
What issues? If he uses Statins and medications against prostate hypertrophy, what problems would happen?

And is 300-400 mg testosterone a week also dangerous if used permanently? 300 mg puts me at 5,000 ng/dL, and I want this to be permanent.
the necessity of adding in additional medications like statins, blood pressure medication, ect are issues in and of themselves.

Just because you can slap some duct tape on a leaking boat to keep it from sinking, doesnt mean you keep taking it out every weekend.

I didnt use the word "dangerous" because it would probably take a long time for most people to approach "dangerous".

The user in question is 48 years old, on a first cycle, and this is a harm reduction board. so health focused, harm reduction focused, advice is what should be given
What issues? If he uses Statins and medications against prostate hypertrophy, what problems would happen?

And is 300-400 mg testosterone a week also dangerous if used permanently? 300 mg puts me at 5,000 ng/dL, and I want this to be permanent.

the necessity of adding in additional medications like statins, blood pressure medication, ect are issues in and of themselves.

Just because you can slap some duct tape on a leaking boat to keep it from sinking, doesnt mean you keep taking it out every weekend.

I didnt use the word "dangerous" because it would probably take a long time for most people to approach "dangerous".

The user in question is 48 years old, on a first cycle, and this is a harm reduction board. so health focused, harm reduction focused, advice is what should be given

There are numerous issues/problems that can arise as do with many PEDs users regardless of age @smartgear. Many users even 48 and older use statins and blood pressure meds, AIs etc to combat the sides of steroids.

I think you are pearl clutching a bit there @BigTomJ and while I agree its not the best practice to keep adding on drugs we all do it and I have you seen you post on these other drugs that we all use to combat sides. For instance, I believe you are a big fan of aromasin.

Anyways, none of us can extrapolate what an individual may or may not need and what dose of steroid they can 'safely' take. Ive seen plenty take 500 for indefinite times and be fine. Again, its not something I would do as it would be detrimental to my health but that doesn't mean it is for everyone.

Having said that, @BigTomJ original advice of checking bloods often is good advice if OP wants to see if he can hack taking 500 mg test for extended periods.

One more item of note, it is not OPs first cycle.
I think you are pearl clutching a bit there @BigTomJ and while I agree its not the best practice to keep adding on drugs we all do it and I have you seen you post on these other drugs that we all use to combat sides for instance I believe you are a big fan of aromasin.
and i dont stay on indefinitely and dont need anything during my health/cruise phases. so in this context of this thread of not fully leaning into the pharmacy counter to run a cycle forever, its actually a perfect example corroborating my position, rather than "clutching at pearls"
and i dont stay on indefinitely and dont need anything during my health/cruise phases. so in this context of this thread of not fully leaning into the pharmacy counter to run a cycle forever, its actually a perfect example corroborating my position, rather than "clutching at pearls"
Who said anything about leaning into the counter? The truth is many of us here use other drugs at different stages to combat sides.

Also your experience isnt going to be the same as someone else's. You do understand this, right?

I guess I should have said IMO you are pearl clutching.
I'm on my 10th week of Testosterone Enanthate 500mg weekly, pinning 250mg Mondays and Thursdays. I'm shooting for 16 to 20 weeks if everything goes good, which it has so far (knock on wood).

I honestly don't want to come off the 500mg weekly dosage. I feel better than I ever have at my age (48). Would it be better to cruise at say 250mg for 8 weeks after blasting 500mg for 16-20 weeks? Or could I do it indefinitely if everything stays good?
The short and sweet answer-- if your bloodwork looks good, you can keep blasting

If bloodwork is bad, cruise

500mg is pretty mild, might throw off cholesterol values a bit, maybe some blood pressure, but I don't really see many issues continuing to run it if the numbers look good
Who said anything about leaning into the counter? The truth is many of us here use other drugs at different stages to combat sides.
its an exaggerated turn of phrase, like you saying i was clutching my pearls.

Also your experience isnt going to be the same as someone else's. You do understand this, right?
I never once in my original replies discussed my experience whatsoever.

I guess I should have said IMO you are pearl clutching.
We all know what youre doing @mass gain @lifter6973

You're being intentionally pedantic to come up with any ridiculous excuse to refute a post, just because im the one that made it because you have a crush on me.

im never going to go out with you, get over it
The short and sweet answer-- if your bloodwork looks good, you can keep blasting

If bloodwork is bad, cruise

500mg is pretty mild, might throw off cholesterol values a bit, maybe some blood pressure, but I don't really see many issues continuing to run it if the numbers look good
Agree. Not a one size fits all.

Im in my 40s and quite honestly when I cruise (and that is the majority of the time), I try to stay at 75 to 100 mg a week. Anything higher than that per week is not good for my bloodwork.

My guess is that there are not a ton here that cruise at the doses that I do.
Agree. Not a one size fits all.

Im in my 40s and quite honestly when I cruise (and that is the majority of the time), I try to stay at 75 to 100 mg a week. Anything higher than that per week is not good for my bloodwork.

My guess is that there are not a ton here that cruise at the doses that I do.
Yeah that's super mild. I'd called that "TRT - "

I think most trt doses are higher than that, but if you feel good and the health values are good that's all that matters
Just because you can slap some duct tape on a leaking boat to keep it from sinking, doesnt mean you keep taking it out every weekend.
Duct tape no, but flex seal?

All jokes aside, OP it’s probably not going to be able to stay on 500 forever. It’s definitely not wise. Run your cycle for 16-20 weeks and be a stud through summer. Than you can come off in fall, like many of us do.
The short and sweet answer-- if your bloodwork looks good, you can keep blasting

If bloodwork is bad, cruise

500mg is pretty mild, might throw off cholesterol values a bit, maybe some blood pressure, but I don't really see many issues continuing to run it if the numbers look good

I guess one of the benefits of being diabetic, is being prescribed Metformin, Rosuvatatin and Ramipril to help with blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. Could be why I don't have any sides, thankfully.
I would go down to 150 - 200 mg a week

don't imagine you'll lose your good mood on that dose

I would basically go as low as you can without feeling like crap. Best for your health in the long run and you will sustain good muscle size if that's your goal