Crystallized test C

It arrived crashes . 3 out of 5 vials . I heated them and got them back to oil. Then put away and 2 days later sludge again . But 2 vials actually never crashed

Not an uncommon experience. Only some crash, recrashing after warming.
Strong username OP

Only had gear crash a few times over the years. Usually it was high concentration blends, or like other said, cold temperatures. You've ruled out the cold temperatures, and 300mg/ml test isn't horribly high of a concentration, so I'm wondering if the solvents used are potentially a factor in causing it to crash, or maybe If the brewing practices are subpar. Or maybe the amount of ba/bb being used? Honestly I don't know much about the brewing process, I just find it slightly odd it's crashing.

But crashed gear also isn't terribly uncommon. I'm just trying to understand what actually causes it if not cold weather/high concentration

Do you know what kind of solvents they used?
This is partly a UGL thing. Pharma never made test that high and probably for this reason that QC is harder to maintain when you push the concentrations that high. Crashed is simply falling out of solution meaning chemical bonds are unable to sustain due to temperature or concentrations too high. Test is usually super stable. I did have a problem recently with test 200 going cloudy. Same process, same recipe. Had to be the raws. After reheating twice it stabilized.
So sterilizing is filtering it ? Not heating it up like you would with water ? Sorry I never messed with homebrewing
Yes technically to be sterile all it needs to do is pass through the 22 micron syringe filter. Heating it up (slightly) helps it flow faster but you don’t want to heat it super high where it can oxidize
Yes technically to be sterile all it needs to do is pass through the 22 micron syringe filter. Heating it up (slightly) helps it flow faster but you don’t want to heat it super high where it can oxidize
Thank you…. This sounds like the best resolution …. Add more oil to make it less potent , that will not make it crash . Perfect . And in the future buy regular 200mg/ml gear
That’ll do it. 300mg cyp is too high to hold ubless a solvent like ethyl oleate is used. Your standard 2/18 ba:bb isn’t going to hold that very well.
I have made 350 test cyp with 2/25 only and it doesn't crash. No other solvents no pip either. I'm currently using that batch actually