Customs seizure, more packages already on their way to same address

I've heard of LE knocking on the door after seizures before. It's probably not likely to happen but it all depends on the circumstances and how they're feeling. Best to clean house and wait for any heat to cool if you receive those packs.
I heard of LE knocking on the door after seizures before. It's probably not likely to happen but it all depends on the circumstances and how they're feeling.
That's pretty extreme! I could see it happening on UGL though
My current tracking reports it departed a facility hours away a few days ago but hasn't made it anywhere else. Usually takes a day at most. Tomorrow will mark day 3
Had same thing happen with a bunch of kits. Turns out I got a FDA seizure letter. Not one from customs. But sometimes things get hung up for no reason then show up anyway.
That's pretty extreme! I could see it happening on UGL though
I have never heard of a AAS seizure that caused LE to come knocking on your door. Unless you have thousands and thousands of dollars of gear coming to your address monthly. And only if they've been watching you and believe you are a source. LE would come to your door on a national security matter. Not fukin a few vials of gear. Don't be scared by bad advice. And tracking it often doesn't raise red flags. LE is looking at quantity of package, origin of package, how often you purchase from said company, and most importantly what your packages contain. Obviously if your receiving anthrax or other nasty "terrorist" shit your fukd. The worst they will do is seize your other packages. If you receive them great. If not I'd use another address. And yes this is one thing I know through experience with my job.
I wonder if frequent tracking of a pack could possibly raise red flags

I've heard people on the internet say that could be possible but I dont think its true. I have a friend who works in the post office and when I asked him this he thought it was crazy.
Use a VPN to track packages.
If it does get snagged, you having your IP address hitting the package over and over, it's a little hard to deny you don't know anything about it at that point.
Let me put it simply for you. The only way to stay clear of trouble is to not order shit through the mail. That being said the next best way is to not use your IP address and use a friends mailing address. Using a VPN can help but our intelligence community has easy ways around that. A huge determining factor is the origin of your package, and the frequency you order from them. And even though the 4th amendment is supposed to preclude them from opening packages or letters without a warrant, they still do. They just reseal it and say it got damaged. If illegal shit is found they will build a case against you as their writing up your search and arrest warrants. And since you've already been flagged I would not reship to your physical address. Put it this way. If our govt wants you they will get you. I'm not saying its fair or even constitutional. This isn't meant to be a scare tactic because 99% of shit is never checked due to lack of man power. I'm just saying its done more then you think. A good read to check out is 377 words the intelligence community uses to screw you. If you had any of those words on your computer, Facebook, any social media or packaging being sent to you I had a legal right as a DOD agent to find out anything about you I wanted. You can't hide anything nowadays. Your only lucky or unlucky.
Anyone know how long it takes for them to seize contents then put the empty pack back into the mail?
Mine sat in one spot for 5 days and finally moving again. Should be delivered tomorrow. Was happy for a second until it hit me it might be empty lol
Mine sat in one spot for 5 days and finally moving again. Should be delivered tomorrow. Was happy for a second until it hit me it might be empty lol
I hope it turns out well and all your gear is there. I'm sure it will. 5 days isn't to bad.
I got a letter from customs today stating they have intercepted my package. Ive have read other peoples post and I guess I should not worry about it, just throw the letter away. The problem I have is that I have some other orders that have been already placed being shipped to the same address (my house). Does customs.. take any further actions after intercepting multiple packages to the same address? Should I worry or will they just keep sending a seizure letter?
You will most likely be okay. I had the same thing happen once and everything arrived. I would take precautions though and have no evidence in the house. I would drop the electronics off at a friends as well. If things go sideways deny everything and lawyer up.
How many MILLIONS of pieces of trackable parcel from overseas go thru the customs and USPS monthly? WAY too many to investigate each one.

Unless you have a leaking package, or the vendor shipped it out in a way that what's inside can be easily detected, chances are you're ok.