Cutting during cycle winny or var

Winstrol VS Anavar

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Wanting to cut down towards the end of my cycle and wondering what's people's opinions on winny vs var?

Also starting my cycle on Test E then switching to Test C mid cycle and the back to Test E could that cause any issues?

From what I've read it shouldn't but I wanted to check.
Winstrol is best the last 3-4 weeks if you are cutting for competition. For most of us anavar is easier to tolerate and can be used longer.

Winstrol fucks up my joints. If you are young it isn't as much of a problem.
Winny only dries u out that is why it's good for shows.. other than that it's worthless.. kills ur joints and dehydrates.. use Eq and var
C) Cardio and caloric deficit eating.

People put too much emphasis on drugs to do the cutting for them. Unless you're competing at a high level, you can cut to a good bodyfat on just test (or nothing at all) with the proper diet and routine.

