Cycle 5: Test/Mast/Aandrol/Tirzepatide/Serostim Experimentation

I am still in the planning phase right now. This is just a type up of what I am planning on
(I guess technically I am on a very mild cycle or high cruise)

This is cycle 5 for me right now.
I had some unfortunate life events that happened early this year and I needed to get back into training properly. I am on the first half of the cycle right now. I was determining what I was going to escalate it to.

Estimated: Day 1 of Blast(or 2nd half of blast). January 2nd 2024
Duration of second half: 90 days.
Goal: Recomp/lean bulk utilizing newer compounds. If I can hit 220 lbs at 12-13ish bodyfat, I would be happy(post blast). I am hoping these newer methods will help me achieve my goal.
I am estimating to gain 10 lbs of water+glycogen just by loading up on gear. So maybe around 235lb end weight.

Cost(Before food): looking at round 3500(Serostim is costing about 2500). If this was done with generic HGH it would have cost maybe 1500 max.

Right now currently 5’10 215 lbs 14ish bodyfat
I will be getting pre-bloods in late December
Currently on my cruise 220 Test/200 mast. With 5iu of Generic HGH. Will be grabbing an IGF-1 on the next set of labs to compare Serostim.
Labs to be taken at baseline. Unless something is severely wrong, I plan to follow through even if lipids are a little off.


Will capture this on addition on 2nd blood work
F&T test

Compounds to use.
Total weekly Injectable: 1020-1220mg(subject to change)
Total Oral 350mg(Contemplating running anadrol the whole time

TEST U220mgStatic TRTEvery Mon
Test C200mg1-12Split Mon/Thurs
Mast E600mg-800mg(unsure)1-12Split Mon/Thurs
Anadrol50mgWeeks 6-12Daily
Tirzepatide5mgOngoing. Will titrate off at the endWeekly
Serostim HGH5iu1-12Daily

Ancillaries that will be used
Aspirin81mg1-12DailyI develop high platelets
Telmisartan40mg1-12DailyBP control, harm reduction
Multivitamin½ tab1-12Daily
Crestor5mg1-12DailyLipid control

Training(Changing up my method)
Will be utilizing workout programs from Hypertrophy coach. Workouts will always be 1-2 Reps in reserve. I got his Black Friday deal, so I wanted to give that a try. I really like his content. I will update more after I pick a program.

I plan to do 30 minutes of cardio twice a week as well.

Diet: I will mainly follow the scale and the mirror. I still consume a high meat diet. Will be making sure I stay near maintenance , the goal of this is Recomp and I am going to experiment to see if this Tirzepatide HGH combo will allow for a strong recomp. I primarily use the scale as a weight to gauge my food intake.

Testosterone: I haven’t ran Testosterone at a higher dose in a long time. I know I can handle up to 600mg with 1:1 mast no AI. I just rather not run it that high. I typically stick to 200-400mg

Masteron has always been something I have enjoyed. Why?
I don’t get hair loss, it doesn’t mess with my heads. Causes the least sides for me. I used it last cycle, I loved it with just test/mast. I felt like myself, no mood swings. Absolutely nothing but size gains.

I personally do not follow Chase too much but I always appreciated this comment.

“Masteron is a great steroid yeah I mean it’s it’s a steroid just like the rest of them. Every single steroid will promote growth every single steroid promotes growth. What you need to do is pick the steroids that work best with you pick the steroids that cause the least amount of side effects and then run the dogshit out of them”
-Chase Irons

Anadrol – I recently played around with anadrol. Probably not the best, did it on my cruise. Obtained lab work, 50mg didn’t touch my liver enzymes at all. I have seen so much worse on 25 anavar than that. Felt like nothing but power and no sides.

Serostim – I had extra money and wanted to give it a try. I do well with Generics, no sides but I wanted to see it first hand to say I did try it. The US pharmacy label is still on some of my boxes.

Tirzepatide: After Type IIX article, I was highly interested in using this on an actual cycle at 5mg. I can most definitely eat in excess even on Tirzepatide vs semaglutide.

I am still building up the planning phase. but this is what I am currently thinking.
Looks good. Why not go 16 weeks? The only thing that's gonna mess with your bloodwork might be the anadrol.
I am still in the planning phase right now. This is just a type up of what I am planning on
(I guess technically I am on a very mild cycle or high cruise)

This is cycle 5 for me right now.
I had some unfortunate life events that happened early this year and I needed to get back into training properly. I am on the first half of the cycle right now. I was determining what I was going to escalate it to.

Estimated: Day 1 of Blast(or 2nd half of blast). January 2nd 2024
Duration of second half: 90 days.
Goal: Recomp/lean bulk utilizing newer compounds. If I can hit 220 lbs at 12-13ish bodyfat, I would be happy(post blast). I am hoping these newer methods will help me achieve my goal.
I am estimating to gain 10 lbs of water+glycogen just by loading up on gear. So maybe around 235lb end weight.

Cost(Before food): looking at round 3500(Serostim is costing about 2500). If this was done with generic HGH it would have cost maybe 1500 max.

Right now currently 5’10 215 lbs 14ish bodyfat
I will be getting pre-bloods in late December
Currently on my cruise 220 Test/200 mast. With 5iu of Generic HGH. Will be grabbing an IGF-1 on the next set of labs to compare Serostim.
Labs to be taken at baseline. Unless something is severely wrong, I plan to follow through even if lipids are a little off.


Will capture this on addition on 2nd blood work
F&T test

Compounds to use.
Total weekly Injectable: 1020-1220mg(subject to change)
Total Oral 350mg(Contemplating running anadrol the whole time

TEST U220mgStatic TRTEvery Mon
Test C200mg1-12Split Mon/Thurs
Mast E600mg-800mg(unsure)1-12Split Mon/Thurs
Anadrol50mgWeeks 6-12Daily
Tirzepatide5mgOngoing. Will titrate off at the endWeekly
Serostim HGH5iu1-12Daily

Ancillaries that will be used
Aspirin81mg1-12DailyI develop high platelets
Telmisartan40mg1-12DailyBP control, harm reduction
Multivitamin½ tab1-12Daily
Crestor5mg1-12DailyLipid control

Training(Changing up my method)
Will be utilizing workout programs from Hypertrophy coach. Workouts will always be 1-2 Reps in reserve. I got his Black Friday deal, so I wanted to give that a try. I really like his content. I will update more after I pick a program.

I plan to do 30 minutes of cardio twice a week as well.

Diet: I will mainly follow the scale and the mirror. I still consume a high meat diet. Will be making sure I stay near maintenance , the goal of this is Recomp and I am going to experiment to see if this Tirzepatide HGH combo will allow for a strong recomp. I primarily use the scale as a weight to gauge my food intake.

Testosterone: I haven’t ran Testosterone at a higher dose in a long time. I know I can handle up to 600mg with 1:1 mast no AI. I just rather not run it that high. I typically stick to 200-400mg

Masteron has always been something I have enjoyed. Why?
I don’t get hair loss, it doesn’t mess with my heads. Causes the least sides for me. I used it last cycle, I loved it with just test/mast. I felt like myself, no mood swings. Absolutely nothing but size gains.

I personally do not follow Chase too much but I always appreciated this comment.

“Masteron is a great steroid yeah I mean it’s it’s a steroid just like the rest of them. Every single steroid will promote growth every single steroid promotes growth. What you need to do is pick the steroids that work best with you pick the steroids that cause the least amount of side effects and then run the dogshit out of them”
-Chase Irons

Anadrol – I recently played around with anadrol. Probably not the best, did it on my cruise. Obtained lab work, 50mg didn’t touch my liver enzymes at all. I have seen so much worse on 25 anavar than that. Felt like nothing but power and no sides.

Serostim – I had extra money and wanted to give it a try. I do well with Generics, no sides but I wanted to see it first hand to say I did try it. The US pharmacy label is still on some of my boxes.

Tirzepatide: After Type IIX article, I was highly interested in using this on an actual cycle at 5mg. I can most definitely eat in excess even on Tirzepatide vs semaglutide.

I am still building up the planning phase. but this is what I am currently thinking.
wrong tirz article.

Test and mast, and test and npp, are my absolute go-tos. Love both of them, I'm the same way as you, mast really doesn't effect me in any way, I don't even really notice any difference over my test dose other than I tend to stay sharper, and progress becomes smoother.

However, I DO get hair loss, from absolutely everything I run. Blast, cruise, it doesn't matter, I'm shedding. Mast and primo don't make me shed any worse or any less.

Sooner or later I'm going to need to adhere to a strict minox/finasteride regimen if I don't want to fry to the Middle East for a hair transplant in my 40s.

Blood work will be done in about 13 days.

Again, unless the blood work is somehow really fucked up. I am going to blast no matter what.
Nice.. can't wait to see what you bring with this stack. I have a source that makes an injectable TMA blend (Test P Mast P Anadrol), would love to try it. I think you have a solid mix of the right compounds for a clean anabolic stack. The serostim is going to be a huge effect here. Very nice. Also... Quite costly... But I'm sure the designer hypertrophy will be worth every penny. Cell proliferation and multiplication is the money ticket. New mass. Critical.
The serostim is going to be a huge effect here. Very nice. Also... Quite costly... But I'm sure the designer hypertrophy will be worth every penny. Cell proliferation and multiplication is the money ticket. New mass. Critical.
I am curious. It may not even be worth it financially, I can't say the training will be identical to the last either.

Either way I can say I ran a 3500 dolllar cycle lol.
I am curious. It may not even be worth it financially, I can't say the training will be identical to the last either.

Either way I can say I ran a 3500 dolllar cycle lol.
Serostim is the highest quality of HGH that is produced in the USA and can be sourced domestically. There are other great options though.
Yea, I have 4 of them looking at me everytime I open my fridge
I'm sure that's a wonderful feeling. I remember when I had money for HGH.. I wish I would have scrapped the cheap crap and toxic orals... Would be in a much different place. The best stuff I've ran was Ansomone. Very beautiful and professional packaging.
I will probably just do Test U instead of Test C for the blast to reduce the different oils I am on. I may need to front load 500mg x 2 weeks at the start of the blast.

When I get off, I skip test for 2 weeks and it should be back at TRT range.

400mg of test U is equivalent to 350mg of test C for active hormone

Probably will do the first front load before new years.

I am contemplating adding 150-250mg of Deca to the cycle just for joint support/anabolism. and reduce mast to 400mg. This may help reduce some acne on blast.

400mg test U/250 Deca/400 mast. 50mg of anadrol finisher. Maybe reduce serostim to 4-4.5 iu daily.

Going to get baseline labs this Monday

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I will probably just do Test U instead of Test C for the blast to reduce the different oils I am on. I may need to front load 500mg x 2 weeks at the start of the blast.

When I get off, I skip test for 2 weeks and it should be back at TRT range.

400mg of test U is equivalent to 350mg of test C for active hormone

Probably will do the first front load before new years.

I am contemplating adding 150-250mg of Deca to the cycle just for joint support/anabolism. and reduce mast to 400mg. This may help reduce some acne on blast.

400mg test U/250 Deca/400 mast. 50mg of anadrol finisher. Maybe reduce serostim to 4-4.5 iu daily.

Going to get baseline labs this Monday

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Test U is great.

Deca at that dose will provide a nice nitrogen retention boost too.

Also, as you mentioned, great for the joints and synovial fluid. Feels like little pillows in the joints. Grandma's love it. Aylmao. I'd add it for sure if you can afford the difference.

Your cycle layout is really professional looking, cool template for sure.

Baseline labs obtained today.
Free T3
Total t4
Free and total Test LCMS
Sensitive E2

I did my last Generic HGH injection yesterday.

I mixed Serostim today. I probably wont mix 3 vials(54 units) at the same time again. Just cause of volume loss is more valuable. just by losing a 2 ml is losing about 40 dollars(I think I lost 1ml)

I stuck it until a 3ml Insulin pen cartrige. 4 units of GH is about 23iu of liquid.

Blast is still planned for January 1

What is part of the blast
Test U 400mg/wk(equivalent to 350mg test
Mast E 400mg/wk(Could increase to 600)
Serostim 4IU daily
Tirzepatide 5mg weekly

Unsure if I want to add NPP or Deca. I am kind of leaning toward NPP.