Cycle Advice Second Half - Test Tren Mast


New Member
Hey guys,

Since joining the forum I’ve received extremely helpful advice and I wanted to share my current progress and where the second half of my cycle is at, and get your thoughts.

I have worked out all my life, athlete, and always natty. When I hit 40, I went on TRT. My first cycle was test only, bumped it to 250, second was 300mg per week. Starting slow and getting diet back in check after falling off and having a kid.

This cycle started on 8/23.
300mg test
400mg injectable L Carnitine
50mg Anavar per day (split 25mg pre and post WO)
300mg primo upped primo to 600mg per week after getting some advice on effective dose.

Dropped Anavar because I didn’t want to be on an oral for that long. Replaced with Mast 600mg per week.

Dropped primo
Added Tren Ace 150mg per week, micro dosed daily.

Dropped test cyp to 200mg per week (micro dosed)
Tren A 150mg per week (micro daily)
Mast 600mg per week (micro daily)

Rationale for micro dose came from a coach on YouTube showing a chart you can use showing how it mitigates peaks and troughs by dosing regularly. Masteron dosage because I’ve read how it can mitigate some sides of Tren. I’m using a host of micronutrient supplements for liver/kidney and blood pressure med and cholesterol med to round out the end of the cycle.

Is there any reason at the tail end of this cycle to add in Anavar again to cut even further or is that redundant with having Masteron on deck already and of course how harsh Tren can be? Any critiques on what you see? I’ve attached some progress pics as well.


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I’m guessing you haven’t done blood work but based on what you’re taking I’m sure it’s safe to say it’s garbage.
I would not add orals AGAIN.

If you want to “cut even further” that’s all done with a fork, not a needle or pill.
Brother. you look absolutely fantastic. I wouldn't try to fix what's not broken. However, your dates look weird. BOth in the thread and in the pics