Cycle thoughts


New Member
Got a couple general questions regarding cycling. I'm 36 years old, been lifting since I was 13 consistently, am 5'10 220lbs maybe sitting at 10% bf. I hit the gym 5 days a week and do a modified push/pull/legs routine. Diet is on point, six meals a day consisting of chicken/rice/beef/sweet potatoes/veggies. Don't drink, smoke or use drugs other than AAS. I've ran multiple different cycles since I started running gear at 31. Of course everyone has their favorite cycle but lately I've been hearing alot of people go the route of test e/c at 500-750mg weekly, tren e 100-250 mg weekly and GH 2-4 IUs a day. Has anyone ran this and had great results or had better results running a different combo? Tren seems to give me really bad acid reflux but great results. I have a couple GH kits ready to start my next cycle but as of yet I've never used it. Just trying to maximize my results while not overdoing it.
We have very simular history, height and weight wise for when I was your age. Are you trying to maintain a lean 10% or are you wanting to bulk? Everyone's genetics are different but I was off gear for over 15 years and still able to maintain 5'9" 220-226lbs 15% bf.
You're sticking point may be calories? What changed it for me was still eating healthy plus adding in crap...high calorie dense food. Cheese burgers, hot dogs, what ever it took to get the calories up. Mind you this was in addition to a base "healthy diet".
This allowed me to start cycling again and hit 257lbs never getting over 15% bf. If your afraid of getting too fat just lower the calories for a bit then start back up. You shouldn't be afraid of 15% bf. It sounds like you have no issues maintaining 10% so it should be quick and easy to get back.
You need to eat until you feel pregnant, then eat again in 2 hrs and repeat. If you wake up in the middle of the night get up and eat!
This was on 750 sust, 350 tren (sucked ass). When I couldn't handle the tren any longer it was 750 sust, 500 deca. Once I decided to drop a little bf and did 175 test 350 tren. Also used 4-5iu hgh for about 2, 6 month bursts. I was lean maybe 11-13% but as long as I had very visible abs I was happy (see avatar pic).
P.s. don't hold me to these exact mg examples but they are closest to what I can remember. But you get the idea.
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