Cycle to reach open size help


New Member
I want to reach open size. I want to compete with the monsters. I don’t respond well to 19nors. I need help with cycle design to reach my goal. How many total mg would be ideal? Currently I’m thinking 1g test 800mg primo + 8IU HGH and slin but thinking that won’t be enough. The most gear I’ve ever ran is 750test 600deca. I understand this will take a long time. Any experienced users have any advice?
Sounds really overkill at first. For anybody to give you actual advice regarding cycle design there are a bunch of things people need to know:

1. Your previous experience with AAS, previous cycles
2. Nutrition and Training regimen, how do you train, what do you eat, does your diet consist of just shit or actually good foods?
3. Comprehensive bloodwork, 800mg of Primo will certainly destroy your lipids for an example and your current state, like current shape, pictures ideally and experience in the gym
4. Any genetic or family issues i.e. High cholesterol, NAFD, kidney issues, cardiac issues known, have you done any organ screening?
5. Kinda goes along with other points but when people want to blast a ton of GH and Insulin: How does your insulin sensitivity and hba1c look like? Any previous experience?
do you have the work ethic?
do you have the funds for gear, supplements, food, bloods and taking care of your health?
do you have the genetics?
how far are you from open size now?
how much progress do you need to make to reach open size?
how is your diet? training? gear experience? lifestyle? past experiences with all of these?

750-1.5g test, 600-1200mg of an anabolic or two depending on your response/wants/needs, 8-12iu gh and some insulin if you need that. If you cant get very far with that, you probably arent made for this shit and you cant fit a square peg into hole.
I want to reach open size. I want to compete with the monsters. I don’t respond well to 19nors. I need help with cycle design to reach my goal. How many total mg would be ideal? Currently I’m thinking 1g test 800mg primo + 8IU HGH and slin but thinking that won’t be enough. The most gear I’ve ever ran is 750test 600deca. I understand this will take a long time. Any experienced users have any advice?
back in the 90's ifbb pros being 300 pounds ran 2cc of test weekly was alot and adding 20mg dbol on to it was probably max they went for. if u arent growing on 750mg test 600mg deca i think you should look inside diet/training/recovery.
you should atleast get to 100kg-110kg lean imo before u start upping dosages to justify the abuse
back in the 90's ifbb pros being 300 pounds ran 2cc of test weekly was alot and adding 20mg dbol on to it was probably max they went for. if u arent growing on 750mg test 600mg deca i think you should look inside diet/training/recovery.
you should atleast get to 100kg-110kg lean imo before u start upping dosages to justify the abuse
I grew just fine on that. I just want to take it up a level. Also I’m 5’8. 100-110kg would be around my stage weight if I competed in the Olympia lol
I grew just fine on that. I just want to take it up a level. Also I’m 5’8. 100-110kg would be around my stage weight if I competed in the Olympia lol
sorry i think i formulated myself wrong, when you have planned to go on stage the justification of more steriods is ok for cosmetic effects, you can grow just fine on this maybe add in some growth hormone. when you wanna go on stage add in some winstrol masteron etc direutics for cosmetic effects, otherwise if you're growing just fine and have no coach u should just ride the gains out
Hire a good coach. It will cost you a lot but if you want to go on this path you need someone to guide you and follow your progress closely and adjust when need it
Be sure that you will have money as everything will cost you a lot when you drawn the line (coach, food, aas,gh)
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I want to reach open size. I want to compete with the monsters. I don’t respond well to 19nors. I need help with cycle design to reach my goal. How many total mg would be ideal? Currently I’m thinking 1g test 800mg primo + 8IU HGH and slin but thinking that won’t be enough. The most gear I’ve ever ran is 750test 600deca. I understand this will take a long time. Any experienced users have any advice?

I grew just fine on that. I just want to take it up a level. Also I’m 5’8. 100-110kg would be around my stage weight if I competed in the Olympia lol

Well, that is a dandy hypothetical. Let us know when you get the invite. Meanwhile, back in the real world, what was your stage weight in your last competition? How did you place? Have you won anything yet? What weight class? Novice? Anything?

Amateur bodybuilding does not have an open class.

You have a heavyweight class in all of the NPC competitions. For the ones with 6 or 7 weight categories (which is not most of them) you also have a super-heavyweight.

I am guessing you do not compete, which is why you mentioned "open." That is a professional league class in the IFBB. To get there, you first need to win your local competitions and qualify for nationals and then place high enough on a nationals stage to get your IFBB pro card, and then you can worry about being big enough for "open."