Cycles for Gyno Aromatisers

Hi Guys,

Apologies if I waffle abit main points are in bold.

I have successfully completed my first test e 300 PW cycle.

Being around 80kg w/ 15 percent bodyfat my nips immediately puffed up and started getting painful itchy so took one aromasin tab and waited for the magic . . . Nothing. So I took another still nothing. Switched to nolvadex took one immediately got some relief. Had to play around with the dosages untill I found I had to take no less then 2 aromasin tabs and 2 nova tabs one of each every morning and night. If I even miss one of either tabs BOOM instant titties.

Currently in pct trying to save the modest gains made on this 10 week.

Long story shorts:
This pissed me off so much over the 10 week period I now have a PhD in cycles that I think are good for keeping estrogen related sides to a minimal.

Would really love it if someone could let me know if they have had the same issue as me and what they did to combat it.

Also would love to know if anyone's tried this outlined cycle and whether it meant they didn't have to take 4 ai pills a day.

EQ 300mg Deca 300mg Mast E 200 pw

All these compounds are known to kill estrogen so all at the same till will get rid of it completely?

I know estrogen has its benifits I just don't care for the mean time
Itchy nips are pretty normal to experience when first hoping on, gyno is the formation of a lump under the nipple. If you have to take that much AI I’d genuinely question the quality of your aromasin… Also deca is progesteronic and can still cause gyno, just stick to cycles using low test and high DHTs like masterone/primo. Primo you would start at a 1:1 Ratio and masterone a 1:2 test to mast or higher even. You honestly will never know what’s actually going on without bloods so consider getting some next time. Alternatively you can just run 20mg of real nolvadex daily next time and see if this helps.
Itchy nips are pretty normal to experience when first hoping on, gyno is the formation of a lump under the nipple. If you have to take that much AI I’d genuinely question the quality of your aromasin… Also deca is progesteronic and can still cause gyno, just stick to cycles using low test and high DHTs like masterone/primo. Primo you would start at a 1:1 Ratio and masterone a 1:2 test to mast or higher even. You honestly will never know what’s actually going on without bloods so consider getting some next time. Alternatively you can just run 20mg of real nolvadex daily next time and see if this helps.
Cheers for the insight mate. I'll incorporate this into my cycle design deca out mast or primo in
took one aromasin tab and waited for the magic . . . Nothing. So I took another still nothing. Switched to nolvadex took one immediately got some relief. Had to play around with the dosages untill I found I had to take no less then 2 aromasin tabs and 2 nova tabs one of each every morning and night. If I even miss one of either tabs BOOM instant titties.
you need to better understand how these drugs work. not busting balls, but you clearly dont have any concept of what they do.

Do some research before you fuck yourself up and get your damn bloodwork done instead of throwing random drugs that you dont understand down your throat