Cycling while cycling to improve sprint watts

So I do cycling for my endurance sport. Currently I can sustain a 800 watt sprint for right around 400 meters. My sprint sucks but the duration is where it comes in handy. As it lets me get a jump on the guys dropping 1,500 watts for 200 meters.

Since it’s starting to warm up I thought I would share a bit of my journey here. Starting FTP 210 hoping to get as close as possible to 300 at the end of the 16 weeks. Will be competing in a 50k or 100 mile race in August not sure which yet.

I will be following a structured plan and I plan on doing a cycle for 16 weeks. The cycle will consist of 200 test and 300eq a week. As for the structured workout plan i will start it once the source I use gets his 300eq back in stock.

If anybody has any questions I’ll answer them about as well as I can. Will also give updates every so often on my FTP as well as my sprint numbers whenever the training plan calls for one.
I’d be interested to know how it goes for you. EQ should definitely get those numbers up. Only thing I get with higher doses of anabolics and sprinting is that I can get such huge pumps that my muscles cramp up. Taurine can help with that though. Just something to keep in mind.
I’d be interested to know how it goes for you. EQ should definitely get those numbers up. Only thing I get with higher doses of anabolics and sprinting is that I can get such huge pumps that my muscles cramp up. Taurine can help with that though. Just something to keep in mind.
Thanks for the suggestion I’ll order some just to see what happens if I start to get cramping issues. Maybe it will be better than the old stretch it out and try not to cry while doing it method.

Hoping to jump on the plan next Monday with everything in the mail. Coach is hoping to get the plan to me by then and doesn’t want my on the bike till then. I think he is just forcing a rest period.

I am starting the test doses today with 100mg Tuesday / Friday of Test C then next Monday will start the EQ300
Should I throw in a 30 day block at the beginning with T-Bol? Get the endurance boost from it while I wait for the EQ to start to kick in.

I never got pumps from it while hitting the gym but I know being on an aero bike for 2+ hours could be quite challenging and different then deadlifts and squats.

Anyway here is the Plan now unless I decide to toss in the T-Bol

Week 1-16 200mg Test C
Week 1-16 300mg EQ
Week 1-4 25mg T-Bol ED
On the tail end of my 200 mg/week Test ester blast (haha) last winter I added 50 mg/day of oxandrolone for 4 weeks. Not too noticeable (FTP of 325 W). Then tried 12.5 mg/day of stanozolol for 2 weeks which was insane. Maybe placebo but was up to 350W like almost back to before all my heart issues a few years ago. That stuff is potent but lipids pay the price.
Since it’s starting to warm up I thought I would share a bit of my journey here. Starting FTP 210 hoping to get as close as possible to 300 at the end of the 16 weeks.

Unless you are wholly untrained presently, there's zero chance of getting to 300W in 16 weeks. Even being the case, chasing that plus a big sprint at the same time will be counter-productive.

Typically, an annual structured cycling training plan would include base, build, plus intensity training blocks. Base would be largely comprised of Z2, build would include mostly FTP work, and intensity would include whatever race winning power duration combo most suits your goal. In this case, I presume yours would be sprint. For a climber, VO2Max might be the thing.

This presumes road cycling where FTP is king.
On the tail end of my 200 mg/week Test ester blast (haha) last winter I added 50 mg/day of oxandrolone for 4 weeks. Not too noticeable (FTP of 325 W). Then tried 12.5 mg/day of stanozolol for 2 weeks which was insane. Maybe placebo but was back to 350W like before all my heart issues a few years ago. That stuff is potent but lipids pay the price.
Yeah I have to stay away from winstrol my lipids freaked out real bad. I drank a lot in my teens and unfortunately caused some liver failure issues. I stopped drinking but have to get my liver function checked every month.

Injectable Winstrol freaked out my Dr she was very concerned I started drinking heavy again and asked if I needed therapeutic assistance. I was like no I’m good stopped using it that day and
2 weeks later next test I was back in range.

But I did see some gains while I was on it or it’s it just made me feel better.
Following. I'll definitely be paying attention as endurance logs are not common and yours sounds very interesting.

Just curious. Why are you focused on EQ and T-bol? I noticed that whenever athletics or endurance is involved, people suggest these two compounds. I have yet to see any decent evidence that these are actually better than other AAS for endurance and athletics though. It does seem to be deeply embedded folklore.

All of my goals are athletic related and focused on not gaining total body weight of any kind (besides the acceptable blast weight that comes off post blast). I have found testosterone, primo, mast, var, and GH to be excellent when used reasonably. I have not used EQ or t-bol as EQ has undesirable side effects and to long a 1/2 life for my purposes. T-bol seems very weak and less effective compared to similar alternatives.
Unless you are wholly untrained presently, there's zero chance of getting to 300W in 16 weeks. Even being the case, chasing that plus a big sprint at the same time will be counter-productive.

Typically, an annual structured cycling training plan would include base, build, plus intensity training blocks. Base would be largely comprised of Z2, build would include mostly FTP work, and intensity would include whatever race winning power duration combo most suits your goal. In this case, I presume yours would be sprint. For a climber, VO2Max might be the thing.

This presumes road cycling where FTP is king.

I do local Crit races Cat 2 forced up through the Cats because I was getting to many points. But I prefer 50k plus gravel races. The Crit thing was just to kill time between training and gravel.

The coach picked me up end of last season so I don’t have to pay for him. He coaches a local team but I have no intentions of doing USA Cycling sanctioned events because the whole doping thing.

Also my FTP may be higher than the 210 as that was my first FTP test and took 3 tries to get it right. Climb that hill in 20 did it in 16 oops tried again and took to long third try seemed about right. So I’m hoping next test I’m better at pacing and holding my power numbers better.
Following. I'll definitely be paying attention as endurance logs are not common and yours sounds very interesting.

Just curious. Why are you focused on EQ and T-bol? I noticed that whenever athletics or endurance is involved, people suggest these two compounds. I have yet to see any decent evidence that these are actually better than other AAS for endurance and athletics though. It does seem to be deeply embedded folklore.

All of my goals are athletic related and focused on not gaining total body weight of any kind (besides the acceptable blast weight that comes off post blast). I have found testosterone, primo, mast, var, and GH to be excellent when used reasonably. I have not used EQ or t-bol as EQ has undesirable side effects and to long a 1/2 life for my purposes. T-bol seems very weak and less effective compared to similar alternatives.
For me is I have to focus on AAS that are not or very slightly hepatotoxic as I drank to much as a teen and in early 20’s that by the time I was 25 I was suffering from jaundice and acute liver failure and had to stop drinking. My liver recovered since it’s a hearty little guy.

But I have to get a monthly liver function test. During weight training I tried winstrol and it was really bad for me. T-Bol had an effect and my ast, alt creeped up but stopped when I got to the high end of normal.

But will post my results as I progress through along with the this is how I feel updates.
Also my FTP may be higher than the 210 as that was my first FTP test and took 3 tries to get it right. Climb that hill in 20 did it in 16 oops tried again and took to long third try seemed about right. So I’m hoping next test I’m better at pacing and holding my power numbers better.
Start using and collect plenty of power/duration data. If you get a fresh, max effort for one minute, five-ish minutes, and around 20 minutes, it'll do a pretty good job of estimating your FTP. WKO5 does a better job, but that'll set you back a few dollars.

If you want to skip the whole AAS route to increasing your Hct, I've seen epoetin alfa at some vendors. It ain't cheap, though.
Start using and collect plenty of power/duration data. If you get a fresh, max effort for one minute, five-ish minutes, and around 20 minutes, it'll do a pretty good job of estimating your FTP. WKO5 does a better job, but that'll set you back a few dollars.

If you want to skip the whole AAS route to increasing your Hct, I've seen epoetin alfa at some vendors. It ain't cheap, though.
Yeah I just signed up for Intervals it’s interesting I uploaded my last 2 crits and the 50k gravel race though it was a crit on gravel pretty much. Then tossed some of my training data since I was given the bike with the power meter and it’s saying my eFTP is 310.

But since the coach only gave me the power meter just over a month ago and my heart rate was abnormally low due to the temperatures. But we will see what happens.

I have never trained with power just HR as well as an endurance bike not an aero bike. Do you have any experience with teams? I was given a Canyon Aeroad CFR Di2 along with the team kit. Just wondering if they kick me off for refusing to do the whole USA Cycle sanctioned events if I get to keep the bike.
They gave you one?!
Yeah at the end of last year one of the local teams approached me and we swapped information and when races started getting scheduled I saw there coach at a few of my events. We talked I signed some papers saying I wouldn’t share the coaching advice, I would follow there ethics and public behavior guidelines, and a few other things.

I agreed and he scheduled a bike fitting at there teams bike sponsor’s shop and I got fitted bike showed up and I went back and they made the adjustments. He wanted me off the bike for 2 weeks while he put together the training plan for this season.

Next week I start group rides and training with the other members of the team. My area probably has 13 teams as well as races pretty much every week. I’m a sit in incase somebody can’t make a race until I learn what a team is. My biggest complaint is being told that sometimes you have to give up your position to help teammates get to the front for points. Blah blah if the team wins we all win.
Yeah at the end of last year one of the local teams approached me and we swapped information and when races started getting scheduled I saw there coach at a few of my events. We talked I signed some papers saying I wouldn’t share the coaching advice, I would follow there ethics and public behavior guidelines, and a few other things.

I agreed and he scheduled a bike fitting at there teams bike sponsor’s shop and I got fitted bike showed up and I went back and they made the adjustments. He wanted me off the bike for 2 weeks while he put together the training plan for this season.

Next week I start group rides and training with the other members of the team. My area probably has 13 teams as well as races pretty much every week. I’m a sit in incase somebody can’t make a race until I learn what a team is. My biggest complaint is being told that sometimes you have to give up your position to help teammates get to the front for points. Blah blah if the team wins we all win.
That's pretty cool.
I actually just watched a Tour de France documentary, so I'm familiar with the team strategies you're talking about. I actually had no idea that's how it worked until I watched that documentary and I was surprised by it. I figured the teams were just a bunch of guys sponsored by the same companies, I didn't know it was like "ok you're going to let this guy draft you the entire race so he can save his energy and at the end he's going to sprint across the line first and get all the glory. Ok go."
Seemed kind of lame for everyone besides the sprinter lol
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That's pretty cool.
I actually just watched a Tour de France documentary and I learned about the team strategies, so I'm familiar with the team strategies you're talking about. I actually had no idea that's how it worked until I watched that documentary and I was surprised by it. I figured the teams were just a bunch of guys sponsored by the same companies, I didn't know it was like "ok you're going to let this guy draft you the entire race so he can save his energy and at the end he's going to sprint across the line first and get all the glory. Ok go."
Seemed kind of lame for everyone besides the sprinter lol

yeah till I started bike racing I thought the same thing. That teams just share a sponsor. Then I was like why didn’t that guy win he did all the work then his lazy teammate just blew past him what an ass lol.
yeah till I started bike racing I thought the same thing. That teams just share a sponsor. Then I was like why didn’t that guy win he did all the work then his lazy teammate just blew past him what an ass lol.
Fuckin lance armstrong, man. Who were his teammates? I don't think I know who any of them are lol
I have never trained with power just HR as well as an endurance bike not an aero bike. Do you have any experience with teams? I was given a Canyon Aeroad CFR Di2 along with the team kit. Just wondering if they kick me off for refusing to do the whole USA Cycle sanctioned events if I get to keep the bike.

It's been a while, but in my experience, most teams would expect you to ride at sanctioned events and if you couldn't, that'd be a deal breaker. They'd have an event calendar, so it shouldn't be a surprise.

As for training with power, I have a great deal of experience there. The real benefit in training with power comes from the ability to quantify and account for training stress more than being able to hit or know a power target at any given moment.

If you're interested, the book by Andrew Coggan is the one to get, "Training and Racing with a Power Meter". Coggan is an arrogant bastard that believes he invented training with power and unfortunately, he's mostly right.

His input led to the development of WKO which is the software that most pro coaches use and the thing upon which Golden Cheetah and is based. Hell, even Strava has "borrowed" some of his concepts and renamed them.

Anyway, that's a lot of preamble to get to the meat of it. What you're looking to establish is called the PMF or the "performance management chart" which, if you always train with a power meter will account for how much training stress you've accumulated. In cycling, like in lifting, you want to train near to failure. Which is the maximum chronic training load or CTL. your body can sustain. Time at intensity determines training stress and CTL is a 42-day rolling average of training stress. The higher the CTL the better the fitness.

Anyway, I'll stop there. That's just to given an indication of how complex and potentially how powerful having power data for every ride can be. I could spill a great deal more words on the topic, but it's neither easy to explain nor easy to understand readily.