Cycling while cycling to improve sprint watts

Well I must say that idk if Test cyp, EQ, and Tbol are not enough for me to keep up with the coaching program or what happened.

I have been laid up for 3 days now and looks like it’s going to be 5. I’m in so much pain in my quads it’s unreal. It’s like every day is DOM day like it’s my first time squatting in the gym again.

I get on the bike and even 90 watts is to hard for me to do. After 3 minutes my quads turn to over cooked ramen noodles. I talked to the coach about it and he gave me 5 days off to recover.

Idk if he did this on purpose to see how hard I could go, if just wanted to be a dick, or if he was wrong and I’m not state team ready. I’m guessing it’s because I have never done a structured training plan.

I’m surprised how hard and how fast I fell. Week 1 TSS 580 week 2 TSS 890. From what I can tell is he had me over reaching from the start. Though I did do a Power Profile test and that was freaking brutal. He also had me do a few other tests that I don’t remember the name of.

So I’m going to be doing a 2/1 block training starting Monday. He said it may get adjusted to a 3/1 depending on how I handle the training load.

The power profile test allegedly says that I’ll be a Lead out rider since I can sustain 20w under my FTP for 37 minutes before my heart rate starts to raise above 160 and I fall off.

Anyway I’m not sure if there would have been a better cycle to do for cycling or not yet. Since my aerobic ability does not seem to be a limiting factor but my strength / recovery is most definitely my limiting factor.

Any questions I’ll try to answer them. Any way until next time fellers.
Well I must say that idk if Test cyp, EQ, and Tbol are not enough for me to keep up with the coaching program or what happened.

I have been laid up for 3 days now and looks like it’s going to be 5. I’m in so much pain in my quads it’s unreal. It’s like every day is DOM day like it’s my first time squatting in the gym again.

I get on the bike and even 90 watts is to hard for me to do. After 3 minutes my quads turn to over cooked ramen noodles. I talked to the coach about it and he gave me 5 days off to recover.

Idk if he did this on purpose to see how hard I could go, if just wanted to be a dick, or if he was wrong and I’m not state team ready. I’m guessing it’s because I have never done a structured training plan.

I’m surprised how hard and how fast I fell. Week 1 TSS 580 week 2 TSS 890. From what I can tell is he had me over reaching from the start. Though I did do a Power Profile test and that was freaking brutal. He also had me do a few other tests that I don’t remember the name of.

So I’m going to be doing a 2/1 block training starting Monday. He said it may get adjusted to a 3/1 depending on how I handle the training load.

The power profile test allegedly says that I’ll be a Lead out rider since I can sustain 20w under my FTP for 37 minutes before my heart rate starts to raise above 160 and I fall off.

Anyway I’m not sure if there would have been a better cycle to do for cycling or not yet. Since my aerobic ability does not seem to be a limiting factor but my strength / recovery is most definitely my limiting factor.

Any questions I’ll try to answer them. Any way until next time fellers.
Thanks for the update. Is it possible that you went way too hard or too much volume or both at the start of your training? It sounds to me like you took the training too hard too quickly. Maybe rest up and dial back because you need to get out of this hole you've dug. Then start over but drop the intensity/volume by about half and build up over 8ish weeks. Then go really hard at week 8 through 16, or something like that.

Sounds like classic over stoker muscle destruction. You pushed you body much harder than it was ready to handle. Bikers I know do a shit load of volume at 70% HR zone. They also have a huge base of hours pedaling over years to build on.
Thanks for the update. Is it possible that you went way too hard or too much volume or both at the start of your training? It sounds to me like you took the training too hard too quickly. Maybe rest up and dial back because you need to get out of this hole you've dug. Then start over but drop the intensity/volume by about half and build up over 8ish weeks. Then go really hard at week 8 through 16, or something like that.

Sounds like classic over stoker muscle destruction. You pushed you body much harder than it was ready to handle. Bikers I know do a shit load of volume at 70% HR zone. They also have a huge base of hours pedaling over years to build on.

Yeah I was just doing the workouts he sent me. I would say 6 out of the 10 had test in the title with a recovery ride between each one. After the 3rd one he just started adding finish this if you can only give 100%

So I probably pushed to hard but idk why he kept sending more because I’m sure he could see that. I’ll take 70% of the blame though. The best thing about all this though is my foam roller and massage gun feel better than sex ever has.
If your FTP is set correctly, that's a brutal amount of work. What was your CTL going into that week? Are you tracking TSB?

Most non-pros, i.e. those that aren't genetically gifted, have a hard time sustaining much more than 100-120TSS/day.
I have never tracked with a power meter but with HR it was 57 now 91 after last two weeks. TSB is -41
I have never tracked with a power meter but with HR it was 57 now 91 after last two weeks. TSB is -41

I really do hate HR based intensity metrics. For cycling, it's easy enough to use the power meter 100% of the time and yields way more precision as a result.

My quirky preferences aside, TSB of -41, if it's accurate, is buried. Generally, one doesn't want TSB below -20 unless they're deep into a multi-day event.
So I do cycling for my endurance sport. Currently I can sustain a 800 watt sprint for right around 400 meters. My sprint sucks but the duration is where it comes in handy. As it lets me get a jump on the guys dropping 1,500 watts for 200 meters.

Since it’s starting to warm up I thought I would share a bit of my journey here. Starting FTP 210 hoping to get as close as possible to 300 at the end of the 16 weeks. Will be competing in a 50k or 100 mile race in August not sure which yet.

I will be following a structured plan and I plan on doing a cycle for 16 weeks. The cycle will consist of 200 test and 300eq a week. As for the structured workout plan i will start it once the source I use gets his 300eq back in stock.

If anybody has any questions I’ll answer them about as well as I can. Will also give updates every so often on my FTP as well as my sprint numbers whenever the training plan calls for one.
Bicycling right?

I can absolutely Coast so incredibly fast and long with using AAS. It does not correlate to running. So things like calf pumps are not nearly brutal.

And taurine is great for pumps, but also gives diaherra

Edit-should of read the rest before commenting