Hey Bros,
looking for opinions on the best way to train while on the aforementioned supplements. I'm not taking any anabolics so Catabolism is a bit of a concern. For that reason, I have been drinking Aminos all day long and training as heavy as possible.
Is this the best way to go? Or should a guy be training strictly to burn off fat?
I'm having a bit of a dilemma here because on one hand, you want to maintain your muslce mass, on the other hand, the quicker I get this lard off, the quicker I'll be off these drugs and putting some beef back on.
I worked my way up to 50 mcg of T3 starting today. Slowly ramped up over the week. If possible, I'd like to stay at this dose. 3 x 4mg Albuterol a day. Was warm as hell today at those doses.
Im at 200 lbs today, would like to finish up at 180. That should put me pretty close to between 10-12% bf. (assuming current lbm of course)
At 5'6, I'm a very muscular guy so in the back of my mind I always figured I could afford to lose a bit of mass and slowly put that back on later. Stubborn fat around the waist an inner thighs never wants to come off so I opted for this route. Sitting at 17-19% bf right now.
All opinions welcome. Would like input from anyone else who may have dons this without Anabolics as well.
looking for opinions on the best way to train while on the aforementioned supplements. I'm not taking any anabolics so Catabolism is a bit of a concern. For that reason, I have been drinking Aminos all day long and training as heavy as possible.
Is this the best way to go? Or should a guy be training strictly to burn off fat?
I'm having a bit of a dilemma here because on one hand, you want to maintain your muslce mass, on the other hand, the quicker I get this lard off, the quicker I'll be off these drugs and putting some beef back on.
I worked my way up to 50 mcg of T3 starting today. Slowly ramped up over the week. If possible, I'd like to stay at this dose. 3 x 4mg Albuterol a day. Was warm as hell today at those doses.
Im at 200 lbs today, would like to finish up at 180. That should put me pretty close to between 10-12% bf. (assuming current lbm of course)
At 5'6, I'm a very muscular guy so in the back of my mind I always figured I could afford to lose a bit of mass and slowly put that back on later. Stubborn fat around the waist an inner thighs never wants to come off so I opted for this route. Sitting at 17-19% bf right now.
All opinions welcome. Would like input from anyone else who may have dons this without Anabolics as well.