Dbol as a bridge


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So I probably should be kicked in the dick for letting myself run out of test (been on trt for awhile first doc then got tired of that and now self medicate but still stay on top of bloodwork). Any who, thought I had a vial of test left went to grab it turned out it was deca:eek::rolleyes:. No big deal I'll just use dbol for a few days while I wait on my pack...3 weeks later pack arrives. Honestly felt better on the 50mg dbol a day than 200mg of test e a week. The same dbol as a preworkout gave me bad back pumps with trt but none during the 3 weeks test was low, strength felt good didn't feel bloated no libido issues felt more relaxed/calmero_O. Not a real viable option long term if I want to keep my liver. Just kind of curious if any one else here has done this?
Oral only cycles get trashed hard but I think they have their place. A lot of the disdain people have for them I assume comes from the attitudes of people who want to run them, but I personally would rather run 50mg of winny a day than 600mg of test cyp a week if I could go back and redo my first cycle. Anyway I'm truly not surprised you felt better on dbol only than you did with test and no dbol.
Well you still had test in your system from the enanthate ester still breaking down. Low amounts for the last week but you weren't even nearly at zero for most of that.
Well you still had test in your system from the enanthate ester still breaking down. Low amounts for the last week but you weren't even nearly at zero for most of that.
True but it had already been a week since last shot when I found out I was out so 4 weeks without test. At 2 weeks after a 200-250mg shot I start feeling shitty normally.
Hmm yeah that last week would have been pretty minimal.. I still wouldn't use dbol off cycle. But try it and get bloods and see what happens I guess :D