Dbol cycle


New Member
Yo to all,

Wanna do a bulk cycle, just finished cutting at 78kg now keen to get big in a months time.

Thinking of jumping in Dbol, what you think? I’ve got around 10 cycles over my time and pretty lean atm but not super shredded. Never done Dbol so how you reckon I should go about it? Thinking test e 500 per week with some bold at 300pw and jump on Dbol aswell
Go sublingual to minimize liver toxicity/appetite affects. You can’t stay on it long due to its toxicity, maybe 5 weeks at 25mgs a day. Split it mornings and evenings or just do preworkout to stretch out how long you run it.
Cheers legend!
Thinking 4 weeks for a start and see how I respond. Recommended at the start of cycle or in between?
Go sublingual to minimize liver toxicity/appetite affects. You can’t stay on it long due to its toxicity, maybe 5 weeks at 25mgs a day. Split it mornings and evenings or just do preworkout to stretch out how long you run i
Over 10 cycles done and you’re 170lbs. Either you’re 4ft tall or you’re going about training and diet all wrong. I don’t think drugs or any drug combo is the secret here bud.

Why don’t you provide recent pics, current diet, current training etc. otherwise you’ll be stuck spinning your wheels for another 10 cycles.
Wanna do a bulk cycle, just finished cutting at 78kg
how tall are you?

now keen to get big in a months time.
this is a fantasy. at your weight you couldn't get big in several years time. regardless 1 month is nothing and you wont add a single pound of tissue in that timeframe.

Thinking of jumping in Dbol, what you think? I’ve got around 10 cycles over my time and pretty lean atm but not super shredded
10 cycles, 170lbs not super shredded AFTER a cut?

Fuck the drugs, you need to learn how to lift first
Over 10 cycles done and you’re 170lbs. Either you’re 4ft tall or you’re going about training and diet all wrong. I don’t think drugs or any drug combo is the secret here bud.

Why don’t you provide recent pics, current diet, current training etc. otherwise you’ll be stuck spinning your wheels for another 10 cycles.
Well I am very shredded tbh just being modest :) I train for the aesthetics not to get huge
Way to avoid the diet/training/pics portion of my post.

I’m sure you’re the most aesthetic guy at your middle school
Chill man I’m just looking for advice,

Diet I’m going for bulk is 3700 calories

I train 6 times a week


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how tall are you?

this is a fantasy. at your weight you couldn't get big in several years time. regardless 1 month is nothing and you wont add a single pound of tissue in that timeframe.

10 cycles, 170lbs not super shredded AFTER a cut?

Fuck the drugs, you need to learn how to lift first
174cm but I become an alcoholic a few years ago so slowly making gains again. I know it takes time bro, just asking for the expertise
Chill man I’m just looking for advice,

Diet I’m going for bulk is 3700 calories

I train 6 times a week
You're looking good man. Unfortunately unless you're 290lb and 8% bf you won't get much respect here lol.

I would up your protein and carbs though. I assume you blast and cruise right?
You're looking good man. Unfortunately unless you're 290lb and 8% bf you won't get much respect here lol.

I would up your protein and carbs though. I assume you blast and cruise right?
Yea blast and cruise, oh really? Thought cause I’ll be bulking ild go that low for protein. Cheers for the help!
Yea blast and cruise, oh really? Thought cause I’ll be bulking ild go that low for protein. Cheers for the help!
Either on a bulk or cut I keep my protein at 300-350. That's just my personal opinion because I've seen the best results that way. I'd up your test too brother, make your bulk like 700-875 test with some npp and dbol. I think after 10 cycles of 500 you will grow better this way. Cheers brother man
Yo to all,

Wanna do a bulk cycle, just finished cutting at 78kg now keen to get big in a months time.

Thinking of jumping in Dbol, what you think? I’ve got around 10 cycles over my time and pretty lean atm but not super shredded. Never done Dbol so how you reckon I should go about it? Thinking test e 500 per week with some bold at 300pw and jump on Dbol aswell

Forget about Dbol, and just use test and mast or primo.
Either on a bulk or cut I keep my protein at 300-350. That's just my personal opinion because I've seen the best results that way. I'd up your test too brother, make your bulk like 700-875 test with some npp and dbol. I think after 10 cycles of 500 you will grow better this way. Cheers brother man
Wow how much calories you downing? Such good advice bro thanks legend yea I reckon I bump up to 750 test for first few weeks and see how I go!