Dbol cycle

"Keen to get big in a months time" -- Gaining a significant amount of muscle in such a short time isn't realistic. If your definition of "big" means becoming fat, then that's a sure way to achieve it.

You've mentioned completing 10 cycles before. While I don't know exactly what you've used, I would recommend sticking with test/eq or another anabolic. Train hard and eat well. If your progress stalls, consider increasing your food intake further or slightly upping the dosages to push through the plateau.
"Keen to get big in a months time" -- Gaining a significant amount of muscle in such a short time isn't realistic. If your definition of "big" means becoming fat, then that's a sure way to achieve it.

You've mentioned completing 10 cycles before. While I don't know exactly what you've used, I would recommend sticking with test/eq or another anabolic. Train hard and eat well. If your progress stalls, consider increasing your food intake further or slightly upping the dosages to push through the plateau.
Yea I mean get big overtime I know I’m not gonna turn into Arnold, but would be nice haha
Yo to all,

Wanna do a bulk cycle, just finished cutting at 78kg now keen to get big in a months time.

Thinking of jumping in Dbol, what you think? I’ve got around 10 cycles over my time and pretty lean atm but not super shredded. Never done Dbol so how you reckon I should go about it? Thinking test e 500 per week with some bold at 300pw and jump on Dbol aswell
Yo to all,

Wanna do a bulk cycle, just finished cutting at 78kg now keen to get big in a months time.

Thinking of jumping in Dbol, what you think? I’ve got around 10 cycles over my time and pretty lean atm but not super shredded. Never done Dbol so how you reckon I should go about it? Thinking test e 500 per week with some bold at 300pw and jump on Dbol aswell

Not in a months time I mean get “bigger in a few months”
Not to say you have a bad physique, it's quite the opposite. You look good in general terms. Just that you take too much steroids and drugs for that. Honestly 200-300mg of Testosterone only can yield pretty similar results with much less side effects. However, of course you will have to take your diet and training more seriously. This is a lifestyle you commit to and diet 365 days a year no matter if you're blasting, cruising or off steroids.
Not to say you have a bad physique, it's quite the opposite. You look good in general terms. Just that you take too much steroids and drugs for that. Honestly 200-300mg of Testosterone only can yield pretty similar results with much less side effects. However, of course you will have to take your diet and training more seriously. This is a lifestyle you commit to and diet 365 days a year no matter if you're blasting, cruising or off steroids.
Yea oath bro all diet for sure, that photo was me on test 300mg a week so understand:)
Just want to put size on because I wanted to lean up and get a lot of fat off from my old self. Always loved everything about bodybuilding and keen to take it to the next level
Much appreciated legend :)
Yea oath bro all diet for sure, that photo was me on test 300mg a week so understand:)
Just want to put size on because I wanted to lean up and get a lot of fat off from my old self. Always loved everything about bodybuilding and keen to take it to the next level
Much appreciated legend :)
My bday the other day and mum was like, you want some “shit food” and I was like nah haha diet all the way
You're on cycle 11 and still on 500mg test? On cycle 12 you should bump it up to 501mg. Then you'll see results
Gotta love the critics who have never posted a physique pic but still talk crap. Your one pic of yourself in your media file says it all my friend. Maybe give some positive advice if you can.

This guy is looking pretty good compared to you bud.
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Yo to all,

Wanna do a bulk cycle, just finished cutting at 78kg now keen to get big in a months time.

Thinking of jumping in Dbol, what you think? I’ve got around 10 cycles over my time and pretty lean atm but not super shredded. Never done Dbol so how you reckon I should go about it? Thinking test e 500 per week with some bold at 300pw and jump on Dbol aswell
Focus on food and lifting correctly. Drugs are the ladder, you still gotta climb up it with bags and bags of groceries my man.
Gotta love the critics who have never posted a physique pic but still talk crap. Your one pic of yourself in your media file says it all my friend. Maybe give some positive advice if you can.

This guy is looking pretty good compared to you bud.
Thanks legend


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