Deca dick ?

Ok . So I am running 1200mg a week of test cyp with 900mg a week of Deca . I started taking caber .5 mg on Monday’s and Thursdays and 25-50 mg of proviron a day and I’m at the end of my second week and yesterday I noticed no more morning wood same as today and my d feels numb and no erections . How can I fix this ? I have hcg , arimidex and viagra and cialis on the way . Do you guys think my caber is fake or could it be my estrogen sense I’m not on a AI just proviron . Also I heard eq can crash estrogen. I have some on hand . Would it help if I started it ? I don’t feel said or cry babyish like I usually do if it’s my estrogen. So I think it’s prolactin . I don’t know . I’m lost for words . I thought as Long as I was on caber and proviron I would be golden . Please help me !
I don’t really have an answer, but if your dick is more important that your cycle, I would drop the deca right away.

have you ever run this large of a cycle before?
What the fuck is up with these 900mg Deca cycles. Jesus fucking Christ. Not to mention another G+ of test. Get bloodwork. This is dumb as fuck though.
Ok . So I am running 1200mg a week of test cyp with 900mg a week of Deca . I started taking caber .5 mg on Monday’s and Thursdays and 25-50 mg of proviron a day and I’m at the end of my second week and yesterday I noticed no more morning wood same as today and my d feels numb and no erections . How can I fix this ? I have hcg , arimidex and viagra and cialis on the way . Do you guys think my caber is fake or could it be my estrogen sense I’m not on a AI just proviron . Also I heard eq can crash estrogen. I have some on hand . Would it help if I started it ? I don’t feel said or cry babyish like I usually do if it’s my estrogen. So I think it’s prolactin . I don’t know . I’m lost for words . I thought as Long as I was on caber and proviron I would be golden . Please help me !

I'm guessing your estro is sky high
Not to mention Prolactin and progesterone are probably jacked up
Considering they are freely produced in an estrogen rich atmosphere
What the fuck is up with these 900mg Deca cycles. Jesus fucking Christ. Not to mention another G+ of test. Get bloodwork. This is dumb as fuck though.
I really hope that these guys running like a gram each of test and deca are fucking scary huge or else they need to seriously reevaluate their approach.
Ok . So I am running 1200mg a week of test cyp with 900mg a week of Deca . I started taking caber .5 mg on Monday’s and Thursdays and 25-50 mg of proviron a day and I’m at the end of my second week and yesterday I noticed no more morning wood same as today and my d feels numb and no erections . How can I fix this ? I have hcg , arimidex and viagra and cialis on the way . Do you guys think my caber is fake or could it be my estrogen sense I’m not on a AI just proviron . Also I heard eq can crash estrogen. I have some on hand . Would it help if I started it ? I don’t feel said or cry babyish like I usually do if it’s my estrogen. So I think it’s prolactin . I don’t know . I’m lost for words . I thought as Long as I was on caber and proviron I would be golden . Please help me!
Viagra and Cialis won't do shit. I personally like using my dick and the most Deca I can get away with is 200-300, and that's alongside high test and mast. (Like between: 700/500/225 and 850/640/340 Test E/Mast E/Deca). Drop the deca down to earth and add in a DHT bro.
Ok . So I am running 1200mg a week of test cyp with 900mg a week of Deca . I started taking caber .5 mg on Monday’s and Thursdays and 25-50 mg of proviron a day and I’m at the end of my second week and yesterday I noticed no more morning wood same as today and my d feels numb and no erections . How can I fix this ? I have hcg , arimidex and viagra and cialis on the way . Do you guys think my caber is fake or could it be my estrogen sense I’m not on a AI just proviron . Also I heard eq can crash estrogen. I have some on hand . Would it help if I started it ? I don’t feel said or cry babyish like I usually do if it’s my estrogen. So I think it’s prolactin . I don’t know . I’m lost for words . I thought as Long as I was on caber and proviron I would be golden . Please help me !
I tried it all. Aromasin was my personal savior. didnt consider how much 1200mg a week of test aromatizes? Plus almost a gram of deca and you think proviron will control estro? It wont. You rarely need caber on Deca or NPP if Estro is in check. With an AI. JFC dude. What are your stats?

Stop or dramatically lower your doses until you get bloods and your AI is in hand. You jumped the gun big time.
This is kind of beating a dead horse but yeah man. Not to be a dick, well to be a dick. Do you slam two bottles of vodka and go on booze forums the next day asking how to stop blacking out from 1500ml of vodka? But I drink a gallon of water to combat it.
Now on to advise. Are you two weeks into the cycle or two weeks into the ancillaries?
If it means enough to you. And it should. My dick means more than my pecs or abs. Drop the Deca completely. Drop the test down to 150mg-200mg. Wait.
jerk off asap. Just saying man. Hope it gets better. It’s gotta be pretty “hard” on you right now.
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